It is allied to the hogs, and has a very thick, naked skin, a thick and square head, a very large muzzle, small eyes and ears, thick and heavy body, and short legs. What is Hippopotamus? Hippopotamus Attack Dream Meaning can have a good sign, but some can bring badness to the life of the dreamer. Unlock the amazing secrets of this spiritual symbol. Some time ago even in prehistoric civilizations, Hippopotamus Attack Dream Meaning can also be related to … Mythological dreambook considers a hippo in a dream a symbol of negative collective energy. This was due to the fact that the Hippopotamus was a symbol of not only evil but also injustice. The imposing, sometimes deadly, hippopotamus features prominently in ancient Egyptian art and myths, as it does in the ecosystem of the Nile River itself. To see a hippo chasing you and about to reach means you will face obstacles set by not very clever people. (n.) A large, amphibious, herbivorous mammal (Hippopotamus amphibius), common in the rivers of Africa. Hippopotamus is often violent. The hippopotamus is sacred in both Egyptian and African traditions. If you saw a hippopotamus in the night plot, this means you will meet an influential person in real life. The hippopotamus, sacred in Egyptian and African traditions, is the second largest mammal on earth. Hippopotamus Animal Totem Spiritual Meaning. You do not realize that you are an influential person. Dreaming about hippos represents the need to strengthen the spiritual side. This animal, very substantial in physical terms, can guide us in grounding ourselves so we can face and dissolve emotional issues (the power of water). While … Example: A young man dreamed of hippos in a river. In ancient Egypt times the hippopotamus was feared by many. Hippopotamus Dream Meaning. A red hippopotamus represented the Ancient Egyptian god Set and the hippopotamus was symbolic of virility. In real life he was experiencing hostile people in the work place and feared losing his job. Definition and meaning:HIPPOPOTAMUS hip-o-pot'-a-mus (Job 41:1 margin). This is the ancient realm of birth, power, creation, imagination, and healing. Hippopotamus represent specific characteristics that you do not know fully yet. Its name means “Water Horse,” and it spends most of its day in water. Its name means ‘Water Horse’, and it spends nearly all day in the water, and when not in water obviously on land. A hippopotamus may also represent your own unfriendliness or disinterest in co-operating with others. Hippos are animals that are related to hidden forces, and this also symbolizes wisdom that will benefit you. Even so, this will all depend on the perspective of each person. Set’s consort Tawaret was also seen as part hippo and was a goddess of protection in pregnancy and childbirth, because ancient Egyptians recognised the protective nature of a female hippopotamus toward her young. Hippopotamus Animal Totem. A hippo could reflect behavior that is noticeably uninterested in the success or well-being of others.