Copy the file to each PC in the a directory called UTILS for example. runas /user:DESKTOP-N12V7FQ\Administrator /savecred “C:\Program Files (x86)\IObit\IObit Uninstaller\IObitUninstaller.exe” Step 10: Press Next, … Ÿ /smartcard 不兼容。 第三种方式 直接搜索栏输入CMD后(不要立即回车进入)按住 ctrl + shift + enter 弹出询问是否框,允许后就会管理员权限运行了. /profile Load the user's profile. The WNetAddConnection2 function makes a connection to a network resource and can redirect a local device to the network resource. net use X: \\\Staff /user: // this will prompt for a username and password. windows上 net use 命令的使用,etue命令用于ic$命名管道连接,查看计算机连接信息和连接与断开计算机共享资源 C:>net use z: \servidordocumentos /savecred. After this you should then be able to run as administrator without having to enter a administrator username or password. net use: Kurzbeschreibung: ... /SAVECRED Gibt an, dass der Benutzername und das Kennwort gespeichert werden sollen. 動の度に割り当て情報が消えてしまいます。persistentコマンドを使うことで解決しますが、今度は資格情報が保持されません。エ Ao tentar colocar runas /savecred /user:administrador e salvar ele puxa o caminho no runas (C:\Windows\System32\runas.exe) e ao invez de abrir a aplicação que preciso que execute como ADM ele só abre e fecha a tela do runas e a aplicação não abre. net use. /netonly Use the credentials for remote access only. ョン)」を含まないこと。 \\コンピュータ名\共有名\ボリューム の文字列を「\」で終わらせないこと。  Utilizzato senza parametri, il comando net use visualizza un elenco di connessioni di rete. (default) /env Use the current environment instead of user's. Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator: 21 Januar 2021 Du musst dich einloggen oder registrieren, um hier zu antworten. Type “net use 'your mapped drive letter':\\Hostname\Share / savecred ” It should prompt for the Username and Password for the SharePoint site, which you need to … This option is not available on Windows 7 Home or Starter Editions and will be ignored. net useは、ドライブへのマッピングを確認/作成/削除するコマンドです。 Il est aussi possible de lister ou terminer des connexions ou lecteur réseaux. C:\Windows\System32\runas.exe /savecred /user:*DOMAIN*\*ADMIN USERNAME* C:\Scripts\BatchFileName.bat When first opening, you will have to enter your password once. Microsoft Windows. Con respecto a la misma, comentarte lo siguiente: Lo que puedes hace es hacer el mapeo del recurso al equipo Windows 10 de manera persistente Here is what I use to open Active Directory Users and Computers via runas with another domain login. I finally figured out a way that at least in windows 10 appears to hide/close the cmd windows in a shortcut I've been trying to find a solution for. Funktioniert dieser "net use"-Befehl als Standardbenutzer? Die Option wird ignoriert, es sei denn, es erfolgt eine Aufforderung zur Eingabe von Benutzernamen und Kennwort. The runas command was introduced with the Windows 2000 operating system. This will then save it in the Windows credential manager. setx valueName_betterSpecificForEachCase %~dp0 "%~dp0ascladm.lnk" ascladm.lnk (shortcut) _ properties\advanced\"run as administrator"=yes (to make path changes you'll need to temporarily create the env.Variable) Hola Gonzafer Gracias por levantar tu consulta en los foros de TechNet. Net Use est une commande disponible depuis l'invite de commandes de Windows qui permet de manipuler les partages réseaux et lecteurs réseaux. Avec Net use, vous pouvez vous connecter à un partage réseau ou créer des lecteurs réseaux. Para indicar que deben guardarse el nombre de usuario y la ontraseña. The batch file updates (imports settings through a separate file) a program already present on the PC client. The WNetAddConnection2 function supersedes the WNetAddConnection function. Can use a temporary environment variable to use with an elevated shortcut (start.cmd. I'm trying to run a script using the GPO Startup option (on the PCs OU) which, as we know, uses the same privileges of a local system account. Cancela la conexión y elimina esta de la lista de conexiones persistentes runas.exe /savecred /user:domain\username "cmd /c start mmc C:\Windows\System32\dsa.msc" C:>net use z: \servidordocumentos /delete. WNetAddConnection2A function (winnetwk.h) 12/05/2018; 12 minutes to read; In this article. Note that using /savecred could be considered a security hole – a standard user will be able to use the runas /savecred command to run any command as administrator without entering a password. Diese Option ist unter Windows XP … If you can pass a handle to a window that the provider of network resources can use as an … Si para realizar la conexión con el recurso compartido estos no se solicitan este se pasará por alto. Net use, per citare l’help i linea di Windows: connette o disconnette un computer da una risorsa condivisa oppure visualizza le informazioni sulle connessioni del computer.Questo comando controlla inoltre le connessioni di rete permanenti. Af Then create a shortcut on each users desktop that they can execute when necessary the points to the batch file in C:\UTILS. /savecred Use credentials previously saved by the user.