why did nagito kill himself
Nagito returns in Danganronpa 3: The End of Hope's Peak Academy - Side: Despair as a student who attends Class 77th with the other Remnants of Despair. Respect me. I wondered that for a long time. Overall I feel like I gained a lot of insight on Nagito, and I understand him a lot better. Essentially he's been taught his entire life that with every terrible and horrible thing that might happen, there will always be something great and triumphant to appear because of it. In Danganronpa Another Episode, as the Servant and Ultimate Despair, Nagito is even harder to read and rarely lets his true intentions and emotions show. He states that Nagito and Makoto are both the exact opposites of each other yet still extremely alike. I want to analyze the posts piece by piece but this isn't really the place to do it. In general, he appears unusually calm to the point of being apathetic, and is rather unfazed by the disturbing things happening around him (however, he does appear to feel uncomfortable when Monaca Towa forcibly kisses Nagisa Shingetsu). At the end of the OVA, he shoots himself in the head after his bad luck manages to cause a construction site to fall atop him and the World Destroyer. As a result of this new knowledge and realization, he begun to act arrogant, impatient and openly disrespectful and cruel towards his former idols. At the same time though his desire of Hope makes him hate Junko, hate everything that she represents, and makes her a symbol that he wants to destroy. revived via Rinne Tensei. This may seem like a breaking of the fourth wall, but it actually refers to the Demon Hunting, which according to the Servant is also a game to incite Komaru's growth. He didn't seem to be truly willing to directly harm his classmates before (though he claimed he did, probably just to provoke them into killing him) and he only wanted to kill them after finding out the truth. “Epstein didn’t kill himself” became a meme, helped along by another Fox News segment in which a former Navy SEAL closed out an interview about military dogs with the phrase, apropos of nothing. Ultimetly, Skorge wins and Tai was captured by the locust. He tried to build a German Empire and eradicate the Jewish people. He likes beautiful things and beautiful people and that he dislikes noisy places and ugly people. He has messy shoulder-length white hair and light grey-green eyes. The hair color is described to resemble that of a corpse's. After discovering the horrible truth behind the Neo World Program in Danganronpa 2, Nagito sacrificed himself in order to kill the Remnants of Despair. Nagito is also very cunning and smart, one of the most intelligent characters of the second game, though he calls himself stupid due to his low self-esteem. Nagito Komaeda (狛枝 凪斗 Komaeda Nagito) is a character featured in Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair. Have fun reading about my favorite character and I hope helped a tiny bit! from the cruel things they had to endure. This part really made no sense at all to me. This article or section contains possible spoilers. What's your opinion of Nagito, and why? He then says none of it was true. He receives the mistreatment from the Warriors of Hope with a smile and it's mentioned that he sometimes even seems to enjoy it. According to Jin Kirigiri, the headmaster, Nagito meddled with the affairs of other students and caused nothing but problems. Nagito makes a minor appearance in the MYCUN. Money problems.Russell was facing a $1.5 million lawsuit, had no assets to his name and told People weeks before his death: "It got really overwhelming. That idea, in tandem with his mental illness (where he literally doesn't understand certain emotional ideas and concepts) is where this whole Hope and Despair thing comes from. A subsiduary reason was that the dog was killed to avoid it either being captured (& mistreated) by the Russians or suffering after the german command’s planned departure from the Fuhrer bunker following Hitler’s death. ComatoseAlive (The Wonderful World of MYCUNs) He is unfazed and often lacks the emotion of fear in situations where most people would be afraid, like threats of violence. The very fact that she's despair, the queen of it at that, is why he hates her. It is likely to contain details giving away the entire plot. His cycle of good and bad luck made sure that any chance he might have at actual happiness would be cancelled. And I believe that absolute hope...exists at the point where two hopes clash.”, “Huh? It should be noted that the two characters are not connected in-universe and the similarities are just a coincidence. The Servant calls the story's situation a game several times, like by calling Komaru a generic game protagonist and mentioning game-balancing and defeating of the final boss. In Danganronpa Another Episode, which is set over three years after his entry in the school, his hair has turned completely white, longer, more messy and it has a more notable ahoge. Nagito was born into a rich family, but he was also born with an extraordinary type of luck and thus his life has always been a turn between extreme 'good luck' and extreme 'bad luck'. He also has a collar around his neck, given to him by the Warriors of Hope, with a chain hanging from it in the front down to his knees. Nagito shows his true colors during the first trial as he is revealed to be obsessed with a twisted idea of "absolute hope". Even so, he once mentioned that he feels fear every day of his life, most likely because of his luck. Nagito is a rather tall and skinny young man. The aforementioned are just a few examples of the many, many tragic things that happened to Nagito due to his luck. Dally then felt like it was his purpose to save Johnny's "innocence" (his emotions,thoughts etc.) I'm still intrigued by his character; I think he had the potential to be so much more - his concept really was fantastic, but the writing fell short. (I later read on the DR Wiki that he was just trying to play it off as a joke to "protect" Hajime, but I'm not sure what the evidence of that is?). “Hey...Can you hear me...? There have really only been three theories about who took what so far. Geo G. Wiki is a FANDOM Movies Community. Also why did he replace his hand with hers? This, along with his usual calmness, gives a very chill impression of him. Other examples of this include his somewhat poor sense of humor, as his humor is usually odd and awkward, sometimes downright offensive (though he doesn't realize this) and he often attempts to make jokes at inappropriate times, like soon after someone's death. and that's my problem. It's also mentioned that he enjoys very different kind of books. A mere tool doesn't panic like that, right?” (, “It was supposed to be a clash between two hopes, but it was crushed into something so unpalatable...” (, “Even this despair...is just a ladder to a bright, shining future that awaits us! Original appearance But, in the end, it apparently wasn’t enough. 16[1] Each of his brown shoes has two zippers. His pants are typical black jeans, and has a long chain that attached from the back to the front of them with a small skull charm attached to it. He attempts to be the team's conflict mediator and optimistic poster boy, often encouraging others to be hopeful and cooperate, but he isn't really taken seriously and is even made fun of by Hiyoko Saionji who considers his dramatic pep talks about hope and friendship embarrassing and lame. I also found it was interesting how strong of a stance he took against Mikan just from her (re)becoming an Ultimate Despair. His luck cycle worn him down to the point where he drifted through life without purpose, waiting to die and dreaming of becoming a stepladder for world's hope. Nagito Komaeda It wouldn't be good enough to serve as everyone's stepping stone...”, “We aren't supposed to doubt each other here, we're supposed to work together.”, “The class trial is where we cooperate with each other, work hard, and aim for victory.”, “Two hopes clashing with each other is poetry in motion! He is often quite nervous due to his inexperience in many social situations, for example, sitting and talking in the park with someone. He is generally quite submissive and a push-over with a self-depreciating attitude. He had especially little patience with the slow-witted ones, like Kazuichi and Akane Owari (as shown in his earlier interactions with Monomi, it's implied that this is a trait he always had and he just hid it out of respect for the Ultimates). He believes that hope will always win in the end, which is why he feels no guilt about any bad things he does in its name nor is he saddened by the losses on the way. He enjoys unrealistic horror movies (like ones with ghosts and zombies), but he dislikes realistic horror movies with serial killers and certain action movies because they remind him of his past experiences. Furthermore, he sometimes has sudden outbursts in which his eyes darken and start to swirl (Hajime describes the look "a crude mix of hope and despair") while he rambles even more enthusiastically, but he usually snaps out of it pretty quickly and seemingly isn't aware of what happened. 1. However, Nagito's case was a bit different. For him, hope is the absolute good and any deed done in the name of hope is okay, even killing. It's those two different ideas that lead into Nagito's statement during Chapter 0; "Because I hate her so much, for that reason I took her power and- wait, what? Not the best example but you get the idea. I just...want to see you guys embody hope!”, “All of you posses the qualities needed to be able to embody it... Do you understand? It just feels like an empty word to me. Out of all the people who ever killed themselves, Hitler was one of those with the most reason to do so. Hit the nail on the head. He wants his die because of this but he wants his death to mean something so he wants to die for hope. The reason I'm called "Ultimate Lucky Student".”, “There are two kinds of people in this world: those who are born with worth, and ever body else. You seem distressed. He's skilled at manipulating others and he sometimes acts exaggeratedly insane in order to trick others to perform a certain action. Everyone actually needs help from scum like me!”, “Investigating with a suspect in mind creates a different result than investigating with no leads...”, “Not everyone cooperates at a class trial... Those who lie and conceal the truth will obviously be here too...”, “I know because I was looking at Mikan for so long. This was very helpful. In Island Mode, Nagito is much more harmless as there is no Killing School Trip to trigger him. Similarly, when he tries to compliment someone, it sometimes comes across mean despite his good intentions. Nagito's Free-Time Events reveal that he was diagnosed with stage 3 malignant. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Age Nagito is a darker parallel to Makoto Naegi. This is implied in the main story, as Nagito likes to spend his free time in the library and later Hajime and Chiaki find several books inside his cottage. Everyone else, including himself, was ultimate despair and he … Male He was set up to be similar to Byakuya and Kyoko - except that you had no idea if you could trust him. The earliest known occurrence of this is when his dear pet dog was killed after being hit by a truck. He has a habit of forgetting how he is supposed to act as a servant and he seems to misunderstand orders quite a lot, though these may be passive-aggressive acts done on purpose. But this is just despair that we have to overcome! He greatly admires and claims to love all the Ultimates for their talents and capability to embody hope, yet he doesn't care much about them as actual human beings and individuals. In Island Mode, it's mentioned that he has poor stamina, very sensitive skin and he seems to dislike running. I'm just not really sure how I feel about him, and I think it stems from not understanding him very well. Chapter Three: When Nagito told Hajime "I hate you, get out of my sight," I actually realized that Nagito loved Hajime and I felt quite sad for him. Their investigation has also shown that there was no other person present in Rajput’s bedroom at the time. Report to Moderator . They say that "effort breeds success"...But that's a complete lie. Why did L kill himself? I must assist him in the murder! Despite this, he appears harmless, and Hajime Hinata even mentions that his bright smile is very comforting. Then when Hajime asks how much it was lies, Nagito just gives a vague "who knows" and then asks if Hajime hates him and wants to do something about him. Why Saito didn't kill himself in Limbo: So Yusuf's sedative places a person who dies in the dream in Limbo without their conscious minds. He won the Triple Crown in 1973 and then months later committed suicide after being banned from competition for illegal betting, and learning of the death of his brother. Lion-Dogs are statues that protect and guard shrines in Shintoism. However, he doesn't consider his luck a real talent, which is why he doesn't really consider himself part of the Ultimates and instead considers himself just a stepladder, almost constantly self-deprecating himself and often feeling shame just for being in their presence (however, at the same time, he mentions that his luck is the only good thing about him and he sometimes finds it very useful). As a teen, Nagito was diagnosed with lymphoma and frontotemporal dementia, and was given a life expectancy of half a year to a year (though, as it's later revealed, his good luck allowed him to live much longer). He set up a "suicide" to cause Chiaki Nanami, the traitor and not a Remnant of Despair, to unknowingly deal the killing blow, and therefore become the blackened. These will aid you, usually during Class Trials. It seems that a the big explanation about Nagito is that he's mentally ill - which I will absolutely not dispute. That whole thing of (to grossly simplify it) "something good coming from something bad" his exact mindset though out DR2, and it's exactly why he became an Ultimate Despair. The kanji used are rather old and classical, which may allude to an old family line or an upper class background. He prepares a murder by hiding a glow in the dark knife but was eventually discovered by Teruteru, who had duties to prepare food for the party. His sense of sarcasm is quite poor, too, as he sometimes mistakes mean comments for genuine compliments. Physical information If someone like him were to fall into despair, surely the thing that would spring from it would be absolute hope, at least that was his way of thinking it. During free time conversations, the player will occasionally be given a choice on how to respond to something that is said. Adventures of MYCUN By killing himself and making a unsolvable murder he was saving the only real hope in the simulation, Chiaki. (I really liked how they compared the 5th trial to the Russian Roulette game!) Chapter One: I really liked how helpful he was in the first case, and I enjoyed the twist that he was actually assisting the murder. Unnamed parents (Deceased)Unnamed pet dog (Deceased) Helping the killer in any case would've been a horrible idea in his "all in the name of hope" escapades because he'd literally kill all of the ultimates. After discovering the horrible truth behind the Neo World Program in Danganronpa 2, Nagito sacrificed himself in order to kill the Remnants of Despair. His name is an anagram for “Na-e-gi Ma-ko-to da” (苗木誠だ), which translates to “I am Makoto Naegi”. Is there something I'm missing here? Nagito's entire mindset comes from how his life has been, and how his "talent" has effect it. However - the main point that I took away from the first post is the details of frontal temporal dementia, and how Nagito's behavior did actually align with the symptoms. He didn't have any close ones, because other people were disturbed by his strange way of thinking and because he intentionally avoided other people in order to protect them from his bad luck. Ahah, it's different from all of you.”, “Despair is... Like what i am compared to all of you, something minuscule, trivial and worthless!”, “I don't want you guys to lose sight of yourselves because you doubt and hate me. The writers literally needed to have someone save Monaca right there so they just had Nagito do it and say he did it for hope"), That is frankly shit writing and a perfect example of why I hate his character--he barely has one despite being the second most important one in the game. To be honest, I'm also... No, everyone feels the same, too. Enemies In his opinion, the ordinary people, despair and weak hope are just stepladders for creating stronger hope and he has aversion for these things while simultaneously considering them necessary. If it's not the result of one's effort, than it can't be used to accomplish something amazing, either. He also wears a long, dark beige undershirt. That...is what a class trial should be!”, “I'm on the side of the absolute hope that can overcome any despair. Order now. Stage 3 means that there is cancer in lymph node areas on both sides of the diaphragm. I remember he said something to Fuyuhiko that was socially unacceptable, but didn't understand why. In Chapter 5, after he discovered the horrible truth behind the Neo World Program, Nagito sacrificed himself in order to kill all the Remnants of Despair. On September 25, 2016, Nagito Komaeda joined the cast as a featured player on the seventh season of the sketch comedy series MYCUN TV. He can be even disturbingly optimistic about things like people dying and it's strongly implied that he just suppresses any real feelings of sorrow as a way to cope, since tragedies happen to him frequently. 2) Komaeda tried to kill the Ultimate Imposter (or anyone) in Chapter 1. :), https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R8HngMcrX_4. His coat has red squares on his right shoulder, and a large red number '55' on the back. He believes that the talented Ultimates are special kind of people by birth, capable of strengthening their own hopes by facing and beating despair (instead of being broken by it like weak, ordinary people), to the point of embodying hope and creating absolute hope that can overcome any despair. Why did Nagito kill him? This, in turn, causes him to awake from his coma. The cause of death was asphyxia, which basically means a lack of oxygen in the body. Makoto described the Ultimate Despairs as having been "brainwashed" in DR2, and that's essentially what it is, Junko uses her despair along with their own to "brainwash" them. After an autopsy, doctors found that Robin had suffered from Lewy Body Dementia, a condition Robin did not know he had. During his school years, he wore Hope's Peak Academy uniform and a red-and-green sweater vest. He developed strange, conflicting feelings of both love and hatred for Junko and saw her as his sworn enemy. After his parents' death, during middle school, Nagito was kidnapped by a serial killer; although he was released after the police found him (it was implied that the killer let him go after they found out nobody would pay the ransom). While he prefers to do things on his own, he is very lonely and often tries to join the other Ultimates in their activities and gets really happy if he's given attention, even if just a little bit. It is possible that he never learned to cook because his bad luck causes disasters if he tries. Believing that he himself is unable to embody hope, he idolized Hope's Peak Academy and its students as the symbols of hope who are capable of creating "absolute hope" - hope that can overcome any despair. The higher the ladder, the brighter we can shine... That is the unmistakable truth!”, “Haha, the hopes of all the Ultimates here will definitely, completely, utterly destroy you. Nagito also makes an appearance in Danganronpa Another Episode: Ultra Despair Girls with his name listed only as the "Servant" (召使い meshitsukai). Sophiee1. The him that wants to see hope come from despair, and the him that's being influenced by Junko's despair are in conflict. After discovering the horrible truth behind the Neo World Program in Danganronpa 2, Nagito sacrificed himself in order to kill the Remnants of Despair. Status His bad luck caused the deaths of several people and he started to believe that only the people with "weak hope" could be killed because of the influence of someone worthless like him. He believes that the world naturally includes constant clashes between two or more hopes and the "strong hope" will devour "weak hope" in means to live and survive (adoringly, he calls this process "poetry in motion"). For your "safety", we advise you not to read in the middle of this portion of the article. 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