who built the pyramid of the moon
The Pyramid of the Sun was built almost 2,000 years ago and is the most important structure within the Archaeological Ensemble of Teotihuacan, being located in the center of the Causeway of the Dead, between the Pyramid of the Moon to the north and The Citadel in the south. Sheet mica is used in electrical components, electronics, isinglass, and atomic force microscopy. Teotihuacan also contains a far smaller stone covered stepped pyramid, known as the Temple of the Feathered Serpent. Huaca del Sol and Huaca de la Luna are pyramids in Valle de Moche near Trujillo, Peru, built in the Pre-Columbian era. The Aztecs named the pyramids of Teotihuacan Tonatiuh and Metal tzaquati ( home of the Sun and the Moon). The Pyramid of the Sun was built somewhere in the first century in the growing city of Teotihuacan, around the same time as the nearby Pyramid of the Moon and Temple of the Feathered Serpent. Archaeologists consider the culture that erected this incredible construction as being primitive and lacking basic elements for the development of civilization and writing. Teotihuacan Pyramid of the Moon and … So, is it possible that there actually are pyramids on the moon? It features three main pyramids: The Pyramid of the Sun, the Pyramid of the Moon, and the Pyramid of the Feathered Serpent. Apollo 17 was the final mission of the United States’ Apollo lunar landing program also, it was the sixth landing of humans on the Moon. In the early 1970's, a cave was discovered under the Pyramid of the Sun, leading down a long corridor to a room with artifacts. The Pyramid of the Sun, in Teotihuacán (Mexico). A pyramid (from Greek: πυραμίς pyramís) is a structure whose outer surfaces are triangular and converge to a single step at the top, making the shape roughly a pyramid in the geometric sense.The base of a pyramid can be trilateral, quadrilateral, or of any polygon shape. During hastily organized restoration work in 1905–10, the architect Leopoldo Batres arbitrarily added a fifth terrace, and many of the original facing stones were removed. Temple of Sun and Moon pyramids build by the Moche civilization - history and location » Tripfreakz.com. It was built between the 1st and 7th centuries AD and today the site is an archaeological complex and popular tourist destination (pre-Corona). The Pyramid was discovered by Eris Morn following the Red War and conflict with the Scorn. The pyramid was discovered in the early 1900's. Was Gravity Discovered In India Thousands Of Years Before Newton? Teotihuacan's Pyramid of the Moon was built by an unknown group of people about 2,000 years ago. The most famous single pyramid in Latin America is the Pyramid of the Sun at Teotihuacán, Mexico. In 1906, another surprising discovery was made in Teotihuacan as researchers discovered a thick layer of Mica on top of the Pyramid of the Sun. But even the Aztecs, who gave the city its present name, did not know who built it. According to YouTube user Streetcap1, The Pyramid is the ultimate evidence of Alien structures on the moon. These are just some of the questions that have been asked ever since NASA’s astronauts, went and returned from the moon. On the pyramid’s west side, there are 248 uneven stair steps that lead to the top of the structure. The Mexican city of Teotihuacan and the Pyramid of the Moon were built along with the Pyramid of the Sun between 1 A.D. and 250 A.D. Located around 45 kilometers from Mexico City, the archaeological site of colossal proportions has become one of the most important ancient sites in the Americas. – Wikipedia. The Pyramid of the Moon has a height of 45 meters with base dimensions of 140×150 meters. Have the tools used to build ancient monuments been staring us in the face all along? Another great mystery about Teotihuacan is the extremely high mathematical and astronomical knowledge demonstrated in the construction and alignment of its grand boulevards and temples. Building C or the Pyramid of the Nine Stories, was built over Building B between 350 and 450 AD, and is bigger by volume than the Pyramid of the Moon at Teotihuacan. Are billionaires buying up land away from the coasts based on prophecies or inside information? The Pyramid subsequently began producing Phantoms and Nightmares, which haunte… Sort of like interstellar phone booths. Researchers have excavated very little around the Pyramid of the Moon, and they are unsure if this pyramid has tunnels and chambers like the Pyramid of the Sun. The 2019 moon pyramid. Many Ufologists state that these structures were made by extraterrestrial beings that inhabited and still inhabit the moon. As you can see, the incredible city complex of ancient Teotihuacan raises more questions than archaeology is able to answer. Pyramid of the Sun. It is identified as being an earlier form of the Aztec god Quetzalcoatl. Pyramid of the Moon, Teotihuacan, Mexico Martin Gray is a cultural anthropologist, writer and photographer specializing in the study and documentation of pilgrimage places around the world. Many Ufologists state that these structures were made by extraterrestrial beings that inhabited and still inhabit the moon. The architectural complex is oriented along the axis of the largest of the pyramids, the Pyramid of the Sun, with a deviation of 15 degrees and 30 minutes in respect towards True North matching its axis with the passage of the sun. Mica is mechanically stable in micrometer-thin sheets which are relatively transparent to radiation (such as alpha particles) while being impervious to most gases. Pyramids purpose is nothing more the communication devices. The pyramid is shaped like many of the other pyramids of Mesoamerica. Official archeological dates place Teotihuacan to the first and second centuries AD, and researchers believe the ancient city reached a peak population of around 200,000 inhabitants. The Pyramid of the Moon was named by the Aztecs who discovered Teotihuacan centuries after the original inhabitants and builders had left the area. The Pyramid of the Sun was covered by a layer of 4 meters of dirt which researchers believe were placed on the Pyramid on purpose. Even though many have claimed that image AS17-135-20680HR is just a camera malfunction, there are many ufologists who believe that not only are there pyramids and bases on the moon, but the entire moon acts as a giant underground facility. History. Scientists confirm legends, revealing the face of Viking warrior woman with battle wound. Have the tools used to build ancient monuments been staring us in the face all along? It is located on the north end of the city, along what is called the Avenue of the Dead. It is believed that the inhabitants of Teotihuacan were a mixture of native people of Mesoamerica. Scientists confirm legends, revealing the face of Viking warrior woman with battle wound. It has 7 layers of buildings built on top of each other. Teotihuacan can be translated to City where men become gods. An article about the discovery in The Daily Mail explained that The Pyramid of the Moon was built between 1 and 350 AD through successive stages. The tombs of the pyramid contain human and animal remains and various funerary objects. The pyramid of the Moon, the second-largest pyramid of Teotihuacan is a wonder of ancient engineering. Mysteriously, the type of Mica used in Teotihuacan is believed to have originated in Brazil. One popular, but far-fetched, conspiracy theory claims our … Asimov was right to consider the orbit of the Moon – not only is it almost a perfect circle, but it also is stationary, one side is always faced towards Earth with only the slightest variation. This circular orbit is one of the strangest things when it comes to the moon considering that the center of mass of the Moon is over a mile closer to Earth than its geometric center. Is it possible that structures like this one, on the far side of the moon, are hiding secrets that even NASA does not understand? According to satellite images from the Earth’s moon, there is a pyramid located on the far side of the moon. Why the builders used Mica in the construction of Teotihuacan, and why is it that the complex is astronomically oriented are just two of the major questions asked by millions of people worldwide. Look at the craters, the shadow it casts… “nothing to see here?” It seems so. 2021 All Rights Reserved. Great Pyramid of Cholula - … A PYRAMID has been spotted on the Moon and conspiracy theorists are claiming it was built by the same being which built the iconic monuments in Egypt. CIA Declassifies Thousands of UFO Documents Ahead of UAP Report, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H9PAxAK6fBk, Fox News Host Tucker Carlson doesn’t believe Trump’s answers about UFOs, Researchers discover new 91-million-year-old giant shark species in Kansas. The second biggest Pyramid at Teotihuacan is the Pyramid of the Moon, located at the other side of the avenue of the dead. Unlike other temples and pyramids found across the globe, the Pyramid of the Sun in Teotihuacan faces west. Given the name and contents of the pyramid, it is hypothesized that there the symbolism of the moon may have been associated with water, th… The Pyramid of the Sun.
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