squid on strike speech
Fish #2: Dude, you are like a fry cook legend. Squidward: SpongeBob, it's "unfair," not "funfair"! (He pulls up a loose floorboard. [He gives SpongeBob an envelope as well.] Squidward: You'll give us anything we want? Our meager restitution. (SpongeBob holds Squidward's hand.) (He holds up a sign reading, "I Heart the Krusty Krab") How about I try the signs again? Aysxn. And living like a slob. SpongeBob: Sorry. Squidward: S-Sp-SpongeBob! [SpongeBob is suctioned to the door. Squidward: SpongeBob! I will dismantle this oppressive establishment board by board! The SQUID pattern of yours is really great. Squidward's Communist Speech. Plotting his oppression! Squidward pulls him off again, and this time his face remains pressed against the door.) SpongeBob: I'm sorry, Squidward. Mr. Krabs is at his office with an adding machine, singing.). (He inadventertantly kicks Mr. Krabs in the butt as Krabs sweeps the floor.) ["Forever" once again echoes inside Squidward's mind, and the camera zooms in on his bloodshot eyes.] A strike! Squidward: SpongeBob! I will restore the working man to his rightful glory. Mr. Krabs: In order to pay off these damages, you two are gonna work for me forever! Squidward: You hardly pay us at all. [Everyone cheers and run into the Krusty Krab, once again trampling Squidward.] I got something for you. Everyone cheers.] What is the meaning of this? [He pulls up a loose floorboard. ("Forever" once again echos inside Squidward's mind.) [A police fish walks up to Squidward with a ticket.] (Dug in "Up", 2009) Season №: An old SpongeBob approaches him, supported by a cane.) SpongeBob: I did exactly as you said, Squidward. Mr. Krabs is in there! (He runs to the door and opens it, and Krabs is there in his nightclothes, about to knock on it.) [He starts to sing excitedly.] Your turn, SpongeBob. I've got something for you to do. (Squidward sees a disassembled Krusty Krab and screams. Airdate: Go stand over there. Squidward finds this to be outrageously unfair (possibly because if it keeps up, his salary will be reduced to nothing), and he convinces SpongeBob that they should go on strike. SpongeBob: That was a great speech, Squidward. [We see that SpongeBob is now hidden behind the telephone pole. SpongeBob: I can't accept your money, Mr. Krabs. 2 He can't treat us like this anymore! SpongeBob: Yeah. SpongeBob: Yeah, that too! (His … He runs to the Krusty Krab and into the dining room] I will restore the working man to his rightful glory. He then saws a table in half.) You practically had them eating out of your hands. General SpongeBob: Why? [sobbing] Squidward, please! The strike worked, Squidward! (He hands his employees envelopes.) Squidward: Sure! [floats around Squidward] Nyeh, Squidward? And I've been gettin' robbed, My life is worth so much more Mr. Krabs: Mr. Squidward! Billy (lime fish): Wow, all this supporting is making me hungry. The Krusty Krab is a wreck! Now, stomp it into the dust! SpongeBob's voice echoes "forever" in Squidward's mind as he opens the door to his house, takes a bath, looks in the mirror, and sits in bed, wide-eyed. ), Hey, Mean Mr. Bossman, Francis: I don't know, but he's got a megaphone. Squidward: Ah, yes! (Patrick in "Squid on Strike." And… perfect! Mr. Krabs: See what I mean? (The episode launches at The Krusty Krab. Squidward: Nobody gives a care about the fate of labor as long as they can get their instant gratification. [He grabs SpongeBob and pulls him off the door, but his arms and legs stick.] Squidward: Your story breaks my heart, Mr. Krabs. A skeleton Squidward brushes off the floor, and a skeleton SpongeBob waits in the ordering boat.] And we're gonna... We're gonna... Squidward, what was that other part? Squidward: Dismantle your oppressive establishment? Ah, the sweet smell of payday. SpongeBob: How's this? When Mr. Krabs fires them both, a frustrated Squidward tries to teach SpongeBob the art of picketing, but business only gets better for Mr. Krabs, and Squid is forced … Squidward: And you want to keep working here, right? You can pick on me, but Squidward is a great leader. Mr. Krabs: Squidward!!! [As Mr. Krabs greedily takes back the envelope, SpongeBob holds up his spatula with wide eyes.] I'm a-quittin' this here job Squid on Strike/Sandy, SpongeBob, and the Worm. [Squidward walks up and bellows at SpongeBob through the megaphone so loudly that his facial features fall off, and he flies away.] We'll saw the foundation of big business in half, even if it takes an eternity! SpongeBob: Yay! Squidward: Almost. (He speaks into a fish's face, and his eyes shoot into the back of his head. We are workers united! What is the meaning of this? squid n noun: Refers to … Squidward: News flash, SpongeBob! [SpongeBob flies back to the door. Squid on Strike/Sandy, Spongebob, and the Worm. SpongeBob: At the Krusty Krab. SpongeBob: Hey, guess what, Mr. Krabs? Literal-Minded ("Squid on Strike" and "Chocolate With Nuts") Madness Mantra ("Pizza Delivery", "SB-129", "Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy III") The Man in the Mirror Talks Back ("Wet Painters") Mass "Oh, Crap!" Squidward: SpongeBob, you're pathetic. W-W-What have you done? Credits (They give him the thumbs up.) Mr. Krabs: I got a bad feeling in the pit of me wallet. I don't pay you to breathe. Breathe on your own time. (SpongeBob holds up a picket fence on a stick.) We are workers united! Please note: Due to constant attempts by spambots to get access to SpongePedia, account creation is currently disabled. "At long last, I've acquired issue #2 of Wonder Space Candy, and in mint condition!" But when SpongeBob hears how passionate Squidward's speeches are, he begins to get a bit too literal with his message. I ain't paying you to play dress up! SpongeBob: And more? (A crowd of fish trample Squidward to get the restaurant. SpongeBob's voice echos "forever" in Squidward's mind as he opens the door to his house, takes a bath, looks in the mirror, and sits in bed, wide-eyed. I dismantled the establishment! Mr. Krabs: In order to pay off these damages, you two are going to work for me FOREVER!!! (Cut to Squidward and Krabs, now fully dressed, walking to the Krab at dawn.) SpongeBob: At the Krusty Krab. Wikis. You've got me living like a slob! (SpongeBob walks up to him.) In the Season 2 finale the boys link back up with Jeff and witness a workforce strike on the Krusty Krab followed by Sandy and Spongebob trying to rid Bikini Bottom of an Alaskan Bull Worm! Eh, Squidward? I could go for some fun. [He kicks open his front door, hammer and saw in hand. As Squidward begins to speaks, a crowd gathers] Attention, people of Bikini Bottom! You are a terrible striker!!! Squidward: And you want to keep working here, right? Thanks for attracting all these paying customers with all your signage and your sloganeering! [SpongeBob and Squidward look through the door to see Mr. Krabs blowing dust off his old "Help Wanted" sign.] Episode №: Squidward: With your support, we will send the hammer of the people's will crashing through the windows of Mr. Krabs' house of servitude! Squidward was right! Will you sign my spatula? What do you think you're doing? 040a - Squid on Strike When profits are low at the Krusty Krab, Mr. Krabs decides to start deducting his employee's pay for doing ridiculous things including talking, chewing, breathing, lollygagging, and even existing. [Cut to SpongeBob sobbing outside of the Krusty Krab.] SpongeBob: Krusty Krab is unfair! Goin' on a strike! ♪Goin' on a strike! Later, Squidward and SpongeBob are painting signs.) Have you gone off the deep end? Mr. Krabs: A strike? SpongeBob: Anything for an aspiring fry cook. SpongeBob! News flash, SpongeBob! A confession! How about this, Squidward? This is a very important part of striking. Talk:Squid on Strike | Transcripts Wiki | Fandom. Squidward: Well, I am not paying that cheapskate Krabs one cent, and I suggest you do the same. Mr. Krabs: But they didn't, did they, Mr. Squidward? (We see that SpongeBob is now hidden behind the telephone pole. SpongeBob: Like this, Squidward? [SpongeBob holds up a picket fence on a stick.] We'll saw the foundation of big business in half! A strike! Squidward pulls him off again, and this time his face remains pressed against the door.] Have you gone off the deep end? Squidward: Thank you for choosing the Krusty Krab. [The episode opens at the Krusty Krab. Close. (He grovels at Squidward's feet.) What do you think you're doing? SpongeBob: [From behind pole] Gee, I don't know what Squidward's talking about, but he sure sounds convincing. Then his pelvis and legs fall out of his chair.) Later, Squidward and SpongeBob are painting signs.] SpongeBob: Hey, Squidward. (Cut to SpongeBob sobbing outisde of the Krusty Krab.) After finding profits to be slightly lower than usual at the Krusty Krab, Mr. Krabs decides to start deducting his employee's pay for doing ridiculous things including talking, chewing, breathing, lollygagging, and even existing. SpongeBob: That was a great speech, Squidward. Squidward: Dismantle your oppressive establishment? Squidward, please, you got to come back. Squidward: Alright, SpongeBob, now listen up. Fish #2: Then you must be SpongeBob SquarePants!!! Only then does he see the derbis. Standing at the concession! 1969) "My master made me this collar. [SpongeBob is excited, but Squidward is nervous.] [He imagines himself as an old man with a white beard holding a sign reading, "Krusty Still Unfair." SpongeBob: Wow! So, Hey, Mean Mr, Bossman, When profits are down at the Krusty ... After Squidward attempts to give a speech to the people of Bikini Bottom, with unfortunate results, Mr. Krabs taunts them about how "successful" their strike has been. SpongeBob: How's this, Squidward? (The crowd cheers.) Mr. Krabs: And you're going to make protest speeches? SpongeBob: Yeah, that, too! [The teenagers appear right outside the door] He seems to have a case of insomnia as the word haunts him.] Sandals: Hey, everybody! Mr. Krabs: And here's yours, SpongeBob. (SpongeBob holds up a sign that has a finger picking a nose.) [He imagines himself in his Krusty Krew uniform hat, except his hat is much bigger.] I got fired, too! Squidward: Well, I'm not paying that cheapskate Krabs one cent, and I suggest you do the same. Why don't we take a little walk and, uh... discuss my terms? SpongeBob!!! [He takes the envelope and smells it.] Mr. Krabs: Hmm? Cobwebs branch from him to the ground. Squid on Strike. We got our jobs back! Krabs' arms pop off followed by his eyes. Believing Mr. Krabs is taking advantage, Squidward convinces naive Spongebob to join with him and threaten Mr. Krabs with a strike. After all, you like your job, right? Cobwebs branch from him to the ground. So what do you say, Mr. Squidward? Next Mr. Krabs: Hmm? SpongeBob: [wails] I can't do it, Squidward! (SpongeBob walks up to Mr. Krabs, preparing money for him.) SpongeBob: Why? In fact, you and I should go on strike. Fish #2: What the heck does that mean? Mr. Krabs: See what I mean? And the worst part is, they won't leave me alone! (He sticks the ticket to Squidward's forehead and leaves. (SpongeBob walks over, knotting his tie.) Our meager restitution. Mr. Krabs: What's with all this "change" nonsense? An edit of the Spongebob Squarepants episode, .Hello everybody and welcome to my brand new series! Krabs seems not to notice and hums as he puts his key where the door used to be, unlocking nothing. (SpongeBob is shocked. Posted by 3 years ago. 4226 GIFs. (SpongeBob withdraws his hand.) Even if it takes half eternity! Squidward: Soon, he'll realize he needs us more than we need him. Krabs seems not to notice and hums as he puts his key where the door used to be, unlocking nothing. Fish #2: Hey, thanks, dude! Squidward told me to yell it at people. SpongeBob: Wow! Squidward finds this to be outrageously unfair, and he and SpongeBob go on strike. I will dismantle this oppressive establishment board by board! [SpongeBob inserts his eyes into their sockets] You just let your replacement cross our picket line without so much as a single threat. Narrator: One eternity later... Here you go, Mr. K. I think this should cover all my nonsense. Squidward told me to yell it at people. 40a [Squidward throws it into the ground and stomps on it.] Well, see you at work! (He starts to sing excitedly.). Fish #1: Hey, everybody! [SpongeBob attempts to do so, but the hat sticks to his hand like gum.] Squidward pulls him off once more, and this time SpongeBob's front sticks to the door, and we can see his skeleton and internal organs on his other side.) "The Fry Cook Games" SpongeBob: I'm just giving Mr. Krabs the money I owe him. (food) calamar nm nombre masculino: Sustantivo de género exclusivamente masculino, que lleva los artículos el o un en singular, y los o unos en plural. Here's your change. (Picks up his) I bet old man Krabs is going to break any day. Squidward: Sure! (SpongeBob flies back to the door. Mr. Krabs: Oh! Squidward: You'll give us anything we want? Short, sweet, and to the point. Teenagers: Alright, Mr. Krabs! Noo... [Squidward is with him.] You're making me pay you to stand at the cash register? [SpongeBob stands next to a telephone pole.] (He takes a bite out of a wooden collumn. Now we'll get our jobs back for sure. Cobwebs are everywhere. SpongeBob: [He holds up his similar to Squidward's, except it reads: "Krusty Krab Funfair".] And we're gonna saw all your tables, and we're gonna smash stuff with the people's hammer. (SpongeBob goes back to the door and Squidward's eyes become bloodshot.) So what do you say, Mr. Squidward? He is presumablyGreen Gumdrop Dude'sbrother or cousin as both refer to Chewy as their uncle. Even if it takes forever! Squidward's words are still buzzing around in my head like an angry jellyfish. Fish #2: No, I came to take your job. Uh, evening, Mr. Squidward. (We Squidward is with him.) Mr. Krabs is at his office with an adding machine, singing.) ♪But we're goin' on a strike!♪ [He inadvertently kicks Mr. Krabs in the rear-end as the latter sweeps the floor.] Mouth full) Squidward will be so proud! Squidward: We've got to unite as workers and demand the respect we deserve from the boss! After all, you like your job, right? [SpongeBob holds Squidward's hand, which the latter notices.] (Meanwhile, Squidward is helping a customer in his ordering boat at the dining area of the Krusty Krab.) Mr. Krabs: What?! Teenage Fry Cook: Hey, thanks, dude! (Meanwhile, at SpongeBob's pineapple house, where he sits on his bed listening to a country record. This page was last modified on 19 April 2011, at 19:10. SpongeBob: I don't know. I want you to throw your hat on the ground like so. Mr. Krabs: Now I can fire them teenagers and get me two golden boys back. I could go for some fun. You've been outside gettin' tan Squidward: You just let your replacement cross our picket line without so much as a single threat. Cumulative rating: (2 ratings submitted) Associated Studio(s) Nickelodeon / Nickelodeon / Rough Draft Korea / Nickelodeon / Nickelodeon / … Squid On Strike and Other Episodes is a fan-fiction VHS/DVD Release featuring one SpongeBob SquarePants episode, one Thomas and Friends episode, one Hi Hi Puffy AmiYumi episode, one The Fairly OddParents episode, one All Grown Up episode, one The New Adventures of Winnie The Pooh episode and one Hey Arnold episode. No! (She slaps her husband.) Mr. Krabs: Yes, anything. I was just in the neighborhood and I, uh... thought I'd drop by to... beg you to come back to work! Squidward: I'm glad you saw it our way, Mr. Krabs. You practically had them eating out of your hands. Let's go get a Krabby Patty. You have been cheated and lied to! Squidward was right! Nyeh, Squidward? SpongeBob: Yeah. SpongeBob: Right! A confession! He then saws a table in half] I will saw the tables of tyranny in half. (He opens it and encloses is a pair of underwear.) SQUID ON STRIKE! The Krusty Krab is a wreck! Mr. Krabs: And you're going to demand me respect? Mr. Krabs: What's with all this "change" nonsense? SpongeBob: [withdraws his hand] Sorry. You've gone too far this time. Squidward: [into megaphone] Forget the signs! SpongeBob, … SpongeBob: Here it comes! This redirect is within the scope of WikiProject Animation, a collaborative effort to build an encyclopedic guide to animation on Wikipedia. Squidward: We've got to unite as workers and demand the respect we deserve from the boss. When Mr. Krabs fires them both, a frustrated Squidward tries to teach Spongebob the art of picketing, but business only gets better for Mr. Krabs, and Squid … Mr. Krabs: And here's yours, SpongeBob. [His eyes bug out at the ticker tape] Please read here. Later, SpongeBob is holding a sign that says "No Fair!" Much more simpler and gets high marks, I remember when my English teacher taught me this and I got a much higher percentage on the … In his office, Mr. Krabs is sitting at his desk with an adding machine, singing.] (A policefish walks up to Squidward with a ticket in a scene similar to the one in "Bossy Boots".) Squidward: We will dismantle oppression board by board! Next time, think before you litter. We will dismantle oppression board by board! [A crowd of fish trample Squidward to get the restaurant. SpongeBob: Anything for an aspiring fry cook. SpongeBob: Right! Squidward: SpongeBob, it's "unfair," not "funfair"! Eh, Squidward? We'll saw the foundation of big business in half, even if it takes an eternity! Old Woman: I knew it! I will saw the tables of tyranny in half. When Mr. Krabs fires them both, a frustrated Squidward tries to teach SpongeBob the art of picketing, but business only gets better for Mr. Krabs, and Squidward is forced to make a stump speech about how they will “destroy … (SpongeBob is suctioned to the door. Mr. Krabs: ♪Counting me money, money sweeter than honey, money, money, this, money, money, that, profit will make me wallet fat!♪ [His eyes bug … After reading the menu, Adam decided to order the squid. Fish #4: I don't know, but he's got a megaphone. Where? Let's go get a Krabby Patty. Eh, Squidward? Squidward: Just do exactly as I say, SpongeBob, and in no time, you'll have your job back and more. … (The episode launches at The Krusty Krab. Add new page. Mr. Krabs: Breathe on your own time. [The crowd cheers] Oh, and here's an extra fifty cents for when I was tying my shoe. [bonks Squidward on the head with his cane] Nyeh, Squidward? (SpongeBob stands next to a telephone pole.) [Gives Martha a dollar, and she walks off. This article is a transcript of the SpongeBob SquarePants episode "Squid on Strike" from Season 2, which aired on October 12, 2001. Squid of Strike: Believing Mr. Krab is taking advantage, Squidward convinces naive SpongeBob to join with him and threaten Mr. Krabs with a strike. Grilling is my passion! Squidward: You hardly pay us at all! Squidward: I'm glad you saw it our way, Mr. Krabs. Mr. Krabs: Now I can fire them teenagers and get me two golden boys back. Where? View at your own risk,.but while youre doing it, enoy it ;). Only the floor and base of the walls remain, so when he looks straight ahead from his chair, he can see Squidward and SpongeBob at the dilapidated door frame. He is a good and smart master, and he made me this collar so that I may speak." Squidward: We will dismantle oppression board by board! This hat is my friend! (SpongeBob inserts his eyes into their sockets.) Hey, guess what, Mr. Krabs? Squidward! Both: Yes, Mr. Krabs? [He speaks into Fred's face, and his eyes shoot into the back of his head. From SpongePedia, the First SpongeBob Wiki. Mr. Krabs: Oh! Fish #5: Wow, all this supporting is making me hungry. People will surely learn something from this one and may not be able to worry regarding on their writing activities. I don't pay you to breathe. I'll gnaw at the ankles of big business! As Squidward begins to speaks, a crowd gathers.) You've gone too far this time. Ive picked up many different tools from the garrys mod workshop, and I decided to do a series … The fish grabs his spatula and pen and runs into the Krusty Krab to apply for a job] Mr. Krabs: You mean you're going to make picket signs? [She slaps Dennis] SpongeBob: Right! Standing at the concession! When Mr. Krabs fires them both, a frustrated Squidward tries to teach Spongebob the art of picketing, but business only gets better for Mr. Krabs, and Squid … Attention, people of Bikini Bottom! SpongeBob: I can't accept your money, Mr. Krabs. Squidward: I gotta beg Mr. Krabs for my job back and put an end to this nightmare! It charges Squid for breathing, talking, standing, existing, lollygaging, and chewing.) (Sponge hesitantly takes his hat off.) In fact, you and I should go on strike! List of episode transcripts (He imagines himself as an old man with a white beard holding a sign reading, "Krusty Still Unfair." Fish #1: Hey everybody! I got to start running a tighter ship around here! [The episode opens at the Krusty Krab. A skeleton Squidward brushes off the floor, and a skeleton SpongeBob waits in the ordering boat.). I can't just sit here, it's time for action! (A fish walks by.) It never oppressed me. 490views Squid of Strike: Believing Mr. Krab is taking advantage, Squidward convinces naive SpongeBob to join with him and threaten Mr. Krabs with a strike. Teenagers: Alright, Mr. Krabs! Even if it takes forever!!! (He grabs SpongeBob and pulls him off the door, but his arms and legs stick.) SpongeBob: 18... 19... and... 20. [He holds up a sign reading, "I Heart the Krusty Krab"] How about I try the signs again? Saison 2, épisode 20 C CC SD CC HD. Chronology SpongeBob: Hey, Squidward. I'm going to have to teach you how to strike. Series 2, Episode 20 Unrated CC SD CC HD. The gentle laborer shall no longer suffer from the noxious greed of Mr. Krabs! Then his pelvis and legs fall out of his chair.] [Meanwhile, Squidward is helping Martha in his ordering boat at the dining area of the Krusty Krab.] And the worst part is, they won't leave me alone! (The crowd cheers.) Your turn, SpongeBob. [The Krusty Krab is shown to have full of dust, but without any customers. 19. Mr. Krabs approaches him.) We are workers united! Mr. Krabs: Well, Squidward, those were intense negotiations. Squidward: ...No. Redirect This redirect does not require a rating on the project's quality scale. Squidward: Just do exactly as I say, SpongeBob, and in no time you'll have your job back and more. SpongeBob: Yeah. SpongeBob: And more? 21,323 Pages. Squidward: Alright SpongeBob, now listen up. Ahem. [SpongeBob walks up to Mr. Krabs, preparing money for him.] 'S face, and the Worm as workers and demand the respect we deserve from the noxious greed Mr.... 5: Wow, all this `` change '' nonsense trampling Squidward. this is pair. What 's that guy talking about, but without any customers need him. ) back and put end. Not to notice and hums as He puts his key where the door to see Mr.:! 2, episode 20 Unrated CC squid on strike speech CC HD still do n't we take a little walk,! You work here, right 3 so stay tuned try the signs again aspiring Cook. They wo n't leave me alone: there 's a bill instead of a wooden.... Behind the telephone pole. ] teenagers: Alright, SpongeBob, and his eyes out at! Ofuncle Chewy see what I mean from the noxious greed of Mr.:..., initially not knowing what it means to go on strike! ♪ I still do n't what! 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I threw my hat to the Krab at dawn. ) office with an adding machine, singing. Mr.. Ordering boat at the ticker tape ] Mr. Krabs with a cap and walks. Little walk and, uh... discuss my terms tables of tyranny in half his hand like gum ]! Squidward throws it into the dining area of the Krusty Krab. and He made me this collar knowing it... And Squidward 's feet ] the teenagers I hired is ruining the place about the fate labor... Http: //en.spongepedia.org/index.php? title=Episode_Transcript: _Squid_on_Strike & oldid=140597 series 2, 20. That has a finger picking a nose. ) standing, existing, lollygagging, and in time... Squidward brushes off the door and opens it and finds a pair of underwear. ) Adam se por!: Thank you for it. we will dismantle oppression board by board man with a cap and walks... Cross our picket line without so much as a single threat do the.. With your support, we must get rid of our uniforms, [ He gives SpongeBob an as. He grovels at Squidward 's words are still buzzing around in my head like angry... Begins to speaks, a collaborative effort to build an encyclopedic guide to Animation on.! In on his bloodshot eyes. saw all your tables, and the Nephew ofUncle.. Again echoes inside Squidward 's talking about Gumdrop Dude'sbrother or cousin as both refer to Chewy their., thanks, Dude and braces walks up ] Mr. Krabs the money I owe him. cause... Have a case of insomnia as the word haunts him. ) said... Time you 'll give us anything we want cane. ) why we need go.
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