medjugorje visionaries 2020
I would think that Paul thought of Stephen often for the rest of his life, yet we never see Paul give a salutation to the brethren that includes Stephen – only Christ and His Father are ever included from those in heaven.”, I do not know whether St. Paul asked for St. Stephen’s intercession; but there is no reason to think that he did not, or that he did not know that he could. Nihil Obstat, November 1, 1908. Another topic is the miraculous healings performed by the Virgin Mary. And we have been given hints by the visionaries over the years about the Sign of Medjugorje – that the Sign will be “permanent”, “beautiful”, and “indestructible”. 3And I know such a man (whether in the body, or out of the body, I know not: God knoweth): 4That he was caught up into paradise, and heard secret words, which it is not granted to man to utter. Medjugorje Visionary with rare message from USA May 5, 2020 May 5, 2020 stephen ryan 917 Views Massage from our Lady through visionary Ivan Dragicevic on May 4th 2020 from Boston Al mes siguiente, aparecen los primeros casos de la “gripe española” que llevaría a la muerte a Jacinta, Francisco y su familia…. What does make sense is that many who are church fathers in the Catholic Church are the ones that “went out from us, but they were not of us. No deception, necessarily. In any case, none of the Church’s Traditions go against Scripture (which is written Tradition). What authority do you have that I should believe your particular interpretation? One day the 10 secrets be here. Basil of Ostrog. The Polls 4 Septemba 2009 Firstly, we see that this seems to be in response to something Christ had said to His disciples not many days prior. Picture & Photo Galleries 12 Agosti 2012. Make sure you are ready for what will happen. The tour guides, visionaries and priests are very good at scheduling all the events and Masses to accommodate all the pilgrims that arrive from many different lands, speaking many different languages all with very short notice of who, how many and what language will be present in Medjugorje on any given day. Here is what Saint Pope John Paul II said in his own words: Since it was John who was inspired to write this, and Polycarp was his faithful disciple – then he was not the one who departed from the faith once for all delivered (Jude 1:3). Judge them by their fruits. If you have done either, why, given what you seem to think this passage means? “This program will show how religious institutions can train a new generation of religious and civil society leaders to be advocates for a more just and better society,” D’Silva continued. So, my question is, how does someone such as Stephen, intercede for me in the throne room of God if he has not even ascended to heaven?”. ..Pope’s “Authoritative Interpreter” Sends Greetings to Youth Festival. It is not in or anywhere near Rome. I am not listening to “later ‘traditions;’” even at the time when St. Polycarp lived most of the Church (excepting Asia) celebrated Easter on Sunday, the day of the Resurrection. Seems as though you direct me to further reading which I have already done, as our Pastor Dr. Bob Thiel does much teaching on the subject, I propose you also look at a book he produced on the true history of the Church of God. Among the alleged visionaries is Mirjana Dragičević Soldo, 55, who still lives in Medjugorje. Copyright © 1908 by Robert Appleton Company. Notice that St. Paul is interceding to them with God, asking that grace and peace from God the Father and from God the Son be given to them. Vatican Cardinals Heap Praise on Medjugorje . Visions from God can be so intense that one can think it is the real thing! 54-57 Second sojourn in Rome; Gospel of Mark written under Peter’s direction… [8] And then that wicked one shall be revealed whom the Lord Jesus shall kill with the spirit of his mouth; and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming, him, [9] Whose coming is according to the working of Satan, in all power, and signs, and lying wonders, [10] And in all seduction of iniquity to them that perish; because they receive not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. Spiritual Experience III Reisedatum: 15.03.2020 - 22.03.2020. Go to the immediate successor of the next Bishop in whatever order of the Apostles you had come up with? [6] And now you know what withholdeth, that he may be revealed in his time. Your email address will not be published. Pray Fast Penance!!! B, Peter and Rome. I read Catholic scholars, but your pastor’s interpretation of them is of no value. I’d suggest you read “The Hidden Side of Medjugorje,” by Fr. It’s been built on lies since the beginning. Do not listen to the apparitions because they are not from God. The news began to circulate after 14:30 today, at the end of the extraordinary apparition to Mirjana, which took place exceptionally in her home, given the absence of pilgrims due to the blockade of the borders due to the Coronavirus. And gross and flagrant disobedience to the local ordinary is what followed. “why would a Roman bishop be higher in church government rank than a living apostle who reclined on the bosom of Jesus, because most scholars accept that John was the last living apostle that saw Christ who also wrote a gospel and epistles, therefore, one would expect the head of the church after Peter’s death would be one of the original twelve that was left living.”. I’m going to provide an explanation for you that is on Catholic Answers: “The author is not saying that David did not go to heaven after the resurrection of Jesus. Thanks for watching. Dec 25, 2019 Message to Mirjana. Dec 25, 2019 Message from Our Lady to Jakov. Today, January 2nd, 2020, Our Lady appeared to Mirjana Soldo at the Blue Cross near the base of Apparition Hill and gave the following message: Dear children, I know that I am present in your lives and in your hearts. Meanwhile he was getting a nun pregnant. Our Lady of Medjugorje Messages 25 Desemba 2020. “ Again, hardly “strongly telling.” And I must point out that Anicetus felt bound to the usage of those who had preceded him; and he was a successor of St. Peter, who was also an Apostle. I don’t believe it, and neither does anybody with any sense at all. Fol-lowing the Croatian Mass, there is a Blessing of the Sick. I feel your love, I hear your prayers and direct them to my Son. Very little is known about these secrets, though we do know that some of them have to do with chastisements for the world. Satan is not going to advise people to say the daily rosary, fast, read scripture. If this is message is too strong for a Catholic site, I understand, but hope you would yourself check out the link. I understand the circus you see as upsetting to you. Sez you. You probably know this as the quarterdeciman controversy meaning those who keep the 14th just as Christ and all his disciples did. “What does make sense is that many who are church fathers in the Catholic Church are the ones that ‘went out from us, but they were not of us. I have no doubt that 95% of the people affiliated with trips to Medjugorge are sincere, but I’ve read everything about the seers themselves and think the whole thing has been a fraud from the get-go. Medjugorje message, October 25, 2020 January 4, 2021. The Bible tells us that the dead know nothing. In 1987, she apparently began seeing the Blessed Virgin Mary on the second day of every month. Any others who have gone to heaven have been assumed to heaven, not by their own power. “In fact, anyone who is willing to look at the truth will see that there were two groups in the very early Church, one that kept the Holy Days and Passover on the 14th of the first month of the Hebrew calender and the other group that changed “The faith once for all delivered to the saints” (Jude 1:3) and changed Passover to a Sunday”. September 28-October 6, 2020 $2,799 from Moline or Chicago Optional Post Stay in Dubrovnik October 6-8, 2020| $429 MEDJUGORJE Join Fr. Praying Rosary Medjugorje Pilgrim is Witness to Mysterious Image in His Living Room.. Is it Our Lady, The Holy Family or Angels? I’ve read various books that make me utterly disbelieve the whole thing (some are listed below). How many of these people who “returned to the faith” would ignore the decision? After the pope’s strong measures the Quartodecimans seem to have gradually dwindled away. There is nothing “divine” in any of this, the nature of the events described appears technological. Medjugorje News & Articles 15 Aprili 2017. Annnnd again, you take verses out of context. Remy Lafort, S.T.D., Censor. For neither could Anicetus persuade Polycarp to forego the observance [in his own way], inasmuch as these things had been always [so] observed by John the disciple of our Lord, and by other apostles with whom he had been conversant; nor, on the other hand, could Polycarp succeed in persuading Anicetus to keep [the observance in his way], for he maintained that he was bound to adhere to the usage of the presbyters who preceded him. I realise I had said I had finished writing in my prior message, but maybe you would be wise to actually read what Dr Bob Thiel wrote in his Church history booklet rather than denigrating him with personal attacks based upon spurious and unsubstantiated claims. “No precise information means that the Roman Church has essentially relied on after the fact writings, nearly all of which were written over 100 years after Peter’s death, that say that he was in Rome and/or died in Rome. Our Lady appeared to her for the first time on June 25, 1981. How do you think he would do that?”. “Thank you for allowing me the privilege and opportunity to politely debate and present the truth of the matter“. Nihil Obstat, February 1, 1911. “Thus, the earlier claim about Peter that ‘Early Christian history tells us that before his death, he fixed his residence at Rome’ is clearly false.’”. Medjugorje News & Articles 15 Aprili 2017. Are you ready? You should also recognise that Paul was the Apostle to the gentiles, while Peter was an Apostle to those of the circumcision (Galatians 2:7-8). Online Edition Copyright © 2003 by K. Knight. And how did God say He would speak to a prophet? Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Nov 15, 2017 / 12:14 am (CNA/EWTN News).- When Pope Francis visited Bosnia and Herzegovina two years ago, he found a country still healing from a devastating conflict two decades earlier. “You earnestly implore my Heart and the Heart of my son and you will receive all graces”. 34 For David ascended not into heaven; but he himself said: The Lord said to my Lord: Sit thou on my right hand, 35 Until I make thy enemies thy footstool. I’ve followed the messages over the years and messages are repetitive. “ – then he was not the one who departed from the faith once for all delivered (Jude 1:3)”. David died and was buried, and his sepulcher (tomb) and body was with them still at the time of the Acts (and may be with us still, though there’s dispute over where it is). “If Polycarp is a Church father, why do you not listen to him and do as he did?”. We do not need to see apparitions or hear their voices in order to believe they will pray for us in heaven. I agree I believe we are starting the worldwide chastisements foretold in apparitions especially with this pandemic. We need to understand that this was only a vision of Christ in His kingdom with the resurrected Moses and Elijah. Dec 2, 2019 Message to Marija. Pope Francis approved Catholic pilgrimages to Medjugorje in May 2019, but he has not made a deliberation on the authenticity of the apparitions. This comes from God. You’re misusing the same verse. The lying and disobedience of the alleged visionaries and their supporters does that. If this is message is too strong for a Catholic site, I understand, but hope you would yourself check out the link. On the return flight from a visit to the Marian shrine of Fatima in May 2017, the pope spoke about the final document of the Medjugorje commission, sometimes referred to as the “Ruini report,” after the head of the commission, Cardinal Camillo Ruini, calling it “very, very good,” and noting a distinction between the first Marian apparitions at Medjugorje and the later ones. “as we know from the Bible that Jesus and his disciples were spoken against constantly and the disciples were not educated in all the places that the religious leaders of the time were.”. Elijah was a prophet, remember? Not at all. “This area of Antioch is near the southern border of Asia Minor. Former spiritual director of ‘Medjugorje visionaries’ excommunicated. IMPORTANT: How to Start WINNING with the Virgin Mary…Powerful words for today. According to Zuhdija Hasanovic, the dean of the Faculty of Islamic Sciences at the University in Sarajevo, the program is an effort to be more intentional about healing the country’s divisions with an attitude of respect. Does she know what will happen with the Coronavirus? For example, you might read this article by Scott Hahn:, “The scriptures you cited about saints in heaven in Revelation can be explained”. She was born on April 1, 1965, in Bijakovici. While vigorous debate is welcome and encouraged, please note that in the interest of maintaining a civilized and helpful level of discussion, comments containing obscene language or personal attacks—or those that are deemed by the editors to be needlessly combative or inflammatory—will not be published. On this, Mirjana quoted the Blessed Mother to have said: "Do not think about the secrets. Previously it was TCU, and when it was pointed out that Texas Christian University does not have any record of his being a student there, it became “TC of U;” and then it was identified as mail-order university in India…. That he founded your church in 2012 or so? The original heavenly message given to Valentina is at the end of this commentary. Golly, whom am I going to believe, you or them? “Thank you for taking the time to reply to my post Leslie, but I disagree and would really appreciate further clarification.“, While I will be happy to reply and clarify, it would really be much more useful of you to consult with works by scholars who have written books and articles on this matter rather than having to rely on comments in a comment box that has limited space. Why do I say that this is how they will appear AFTER they are resurrected? Again, why is it reported only in one article and on Medjugorje websites? Miki Musa will be our guide while in Medjugorje. But she isn’t appearing at Medjugorje. “and hope that some of the writings of Catholic scholars as well as Bible scriptures has provided you with some things to think about.”. On October 23, 2020, it was announced that Tomislav Vlasic, former spiritual director to its seers, had been excommunicated. .”Finally, since we see in 1 Corinthians 12:28, that apostles then prophets are the order of hierarchy in church government”. “Seems as though you direct me to further reading which I have already done, as our Pastor Dr. Bob Thiel does much teaching on the subject, I propose you also look at a book he produced on the true history of the Church of God. No, the “circus I see” is not what upsets me. Why would the Apostle to the circumcision be the physical head of the church in Rome – a gentile city? I believe the blessed mother sends messages to people throughout the world and they don’t make it into a money making racket. “One of your Church fathers by the name of Polycarp of Smyrna, who we agree is a true servant of Christ, followed the teachings of his teacher who was none other than the Apostle John! In any event, the events in the Bible are not always presented in strict chronological order. I don’t need to read the writings because I know that, for example, your pastor doesn’t believe that the Holy Spirit is God; in and of itself, that belief is enough to disqualify him from being worth reading, and his list of beliefs on his website adds a great deal more evidence that anything he writes is really not worth reading. But also by my will and my ... Read moreFeb 2, 2020 Apparition to Mirjana – Message & Pics But they that are learned shall shine as the brightness of the firmament: and they that instruct many to justice, as stars for all eternity. That’s what the Pope is, and Peter was the first Pope. “. Now, a historic master’s program has been created in Sarajevo that primarily focuses on Interreligious Studies and Peacebuilding, taught by the three major theological seminaries of Catholic, Islamic and Orthodox thought. Pope Francis approved Catholic pilgrimages to Medjugorje in May 2019, but he has not made a deliberation on the authenticity of the apparitions. “’29 Ye men, brethren, let me freely speak to you of the patriarch David: that he died and was buried; and his sepulchre is with us to this present say.’ The Pope has approved! The commission overwhelmingly voted in favor of recognizing the supernatural nature of the first seven apparitions. It’s only in the Germanic languages that Easter or cognate words are used; in Greek and Latin (and the languages derived therefrom), and in Russian, the name of the holy day is Pascha, taken from the Aramaic word (and related to the Hebrew word) for Passover. Objavljeno: 01.01.2021. Our Church knows all about the Catholic Church’s church fathers. What intrigued me the most? Even if I hadn’t read the books, the disobedience and duplicity of the people who push it would have done it. Virgin Mary at Medjugorje Reveals, This is Amazing…Sun Miracle in Medjugorje 2018, Making International Headlines: Pope Francis “I saved Medjugorje…I have Medjugorje in my heart.”, Medjugorje: 18 Powerful Messages from The Queen of Peace on the devotion to her Immaculate Heart. Their sacrifices have converted thousands of people; yet some individuals downplay the visionaries. She comes as the Queen of Peace to bring the world back to her […] “By saying David was buried in their midst and was not resurrected, Peter was saying that David could not have speaking about himself, because the Psalm clearly states that the person will not remain in the grave. Or what about the following from the Church of Rome ? [8] But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach a gospel to you besides that which we have preached to you, let him be anathema. In the previous 2020 there have been 1 381 200 Holy Communions given in the church, and total of 8612 priests that concelebrated at Holy Masses. As happened in Fatima, these events are intended to reinforce the concept of prodigy among believers. When is the last trumpet? Because it is based on lies. If Polycarp is a Church father, why do you not listen to him and do as he did? March 11 - 20 $2375 . Fifteen percent are Catholic/Croats. Transcribed by Gerard Haffner. “While I hope I am wrong, you do not seem to be interested in the truth of the Bible shown in some of the clear scriptures I have provided”. In one of the fragments of the writings of St. Irenaeus of Lyon, he described St. Polycarp’s visit to Rome, and all he wrote was “And when the blessed Polycarp was sojourning in Rome in the time of Anicetus, although a slight controversy had arisen among them as to certain other points, they were at once well inclined towards each other [with regard to the matter in hand], not willing that any quarrel should arise between them upon this head. Who reported this statement? Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson have announced that they have tested positive for COVID-19 (coronavirus), the first celebrities to go public with a diagnosis. The Apostle Paul was inspired to write the following in his first Epistle to Timothy. So, did Groeschel probably get it right? It is also part of the "particular pastoral attention" of Pope Francis to the place, Gisotti said. Finally, since we see in 1 Corinthians 12:28, that apostles then prophets are the order of hierarchy in church government, why would a Roman bishop be higher in church government rank than a living apostle who reclined on the bosom of Jesus, because most scholars accept that John was the last living apostle that saw Christ who also wrote a gospel and epistles, therefore, one would expect the head of the church after Peter’s death would be one of the original twelve that was left living. “Joint-study programs like this one offer a unique opportunity to use religious as a catalyst for peace,” stated Marc D’Silva, the CRS country representative in Bosnia and Herzegovina. If the Popes were rightfully the leaders of the Church, one would think that based upon all written above, including 1 Corinthians 12:28, that John also would have been Pope before the end of his life, but he simply was not. But the pilgrims have to stay somewhere and must be fed. Now, we see that David – no less than a man after God’s own heart, at the time of the Book of Acts had this said about him: 29 Ye men, brethren, let me freely speak to you of the patriarch David: that he died and was buried; and his sepulchre is with us to this present say. “’13 And no man hath ascended into heaven, but he that descended from heaven, the Son of man who is in heaven.’ August 2020. If the verse you provide means what you think it means, what about 2 Kings 2:11? They’re not spurious. The alleged apparitions at Mejugorje go on and on and on (saying a great many nonsensical things – like that “bloody handkerchief” story). COVID 19 WOMAN DIED, CAME BACK TO LIFE AND TELLS HER STORY OF HEAVEN AND JESUS! Former spiritual director of 'Medjugorje visionaries' excommunicated . Our Lady has so far confided nine secrets to her. You’re taking it out of context – again. “, Oh, is that the latest story? Our Lady's Annual Apparition to Mirjana. In: International. Our Lady appears daily at 5:40 PM, Medjugorje time in the winter, and at 6:40 PM during daylight savings time in Medjugorje. Heaven is the sky, it’s also the abode of the stars and planets and finally it is also used as the word for the abode of the Father and the Son and the other heavenly beings.”. As of now January 2021 , the Pope has not forbidden Catholics from making Pilgrimages to Medjugorje. Pope Francis visited Bosnia and Herzegovina in June 2015 but declined to stop in Medjugorje during his trip. Our Lady appears daily at 5:40 PM, Medjugorje time in the winter, and at 6:40 PM during daylight savings time in Medjugorje. Jugendfestivals 2020 +++ | +++ Einreise nach Bosnien-Herzegowina seit 16. “The final enemy to be destroyed is death. Since March 1, 1984, Our Lady has given her messages to convey to the parish on every Thursday. Biden “should stop defining himself as a devout Catholic”. You appear to think that no one is in heaven. With so much corruption in the church today and this Pope who has caused so much confusion,and division corruption, you can never go by anything he’s says! I hope that you will agree that between that time and the time of the Christian Church some rather significant events occurred. March 18, 2020 Update - Like the other five Medjugorje visionaries, Mirjana began seeing Our Lady in June, 1981. [24] Afterwards the end, when he shall have delivered up the kingdom to God and the Father, when he shall have brought to nought all principality, and power, and virtue. The Jews observed Passover the mountain, it states a position affirming what Apostle... 1984, Our Lady appeared to her at that time and the dawn of a verse story of heaven interceding. Article and on Medjugorje websites off after the Pope Em… [ … Medjugorje. Trace its origins back to prayer before he was not the ways of the country today through education psychological! 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