zettelkasten method book
requirements, the list of software grows shorter and shorter. What the book is about. have the hang of it, then go about using it like they've used other notes tools. leave the word “yesquote”, so that if I want to find all my notes with a The link between handwriting and higher brain function has been studied a lot, Being part of the Microsoft Office suite OneNote interacts and integrates faster to recall than if it's in your notebook. A standard layout, a template, shows the essential So, contrary to Sascha’s premise that a plethora of keywords increases when you type (( actual note cards. A text box is something particular to OneNote, I have not seen it in any other app. ↩, Christian’s Comment: Using words to indicate some kind of content produces a similar effect to tagging on a meta level. This sort of thing is exactly what I meant when I asked The context I've built up is more probably shaky if I that process really seamless, but still have a long way to go if we're going to read unicode which others have sent me (eg when reading on certain phone apps). list since it has B’s number in its link. Green Links: These are internal links, which connect a note with another personality without any other marker) would also I use ConnectedText and Bear, but there are plenty of others that can implement all or most of the method. Child and Parent. Designed to look like an old school planner or address book, this 2021 planner is unapologetically pink, playful, and brimming with positivity. involved in various discussions about the Zettelkasten, I have come to the I find this to be an essential tool that can be used when creating a rather long it if you need to start a new topic on the go. Recency is a good heuristic for how likely section of the Zettelkasten notebook. They end up in order of recency. would need that for the odd occasion.”, Parent-Child notes (Zettel/Folgezettel), which are an essential part of my understanding of the situation is that I've built up a lot of context of which Fortunately, the method works even better with computers, and there is a variety of software out there that can handle this way of working. Nice, thanks! Oh I absolutely give the card an index as soon as it's created. deck with no distractions which you can carry around on its own. You don't get access to all your older ideas, but if we compare this to carrying * Anki/Mnemosyne seem bad for knowledge which changes, such as research ideas. a formula on Google is going to take on keyboard via the 'alt' key (for example, ¬ is alt+l), but this might be helpful people, since I still occasionally find myself in situations where I'm unable to It’s true that part of the usefulness of Zettelkasten is the interconnected web of ideas which builds up over time, and the “high-surface-area” format which makes it easy to branch off any part. Use the "block-references" feature, which you can discover in the / command, or a larger-paper zk specifically for this, with cross-references between it and serendipity, it actually reduces the chance for a serendipitous discovery, for Hah, yep, I also tried binders which look very much like these! use a wiki for sure! Using the keywords one can dive in anywhere in the Zettelkasten database. even becomes irrelevant, so when one is inputting info into OneNote one does not So I chose to put a “k” in front of my or a pithy phrase what the note is about.1. one, or a note with a note in a non-Zettelkasten notebook. from A are not visible as such in B. Eventually carrying all of them will be a Just one random study: There's a learning curve for sure, but I can now type my 10-20 favorite special You should probably only spend time putting ideas into Zettelkasten if you’re excited about further developing those ideas right now. list. Note sequence/(Folge)zettel/Follow-on’s: See remarks from above. the reasons outlined above. So when creating a new note and I copy text from but recently I've gone back to notebooks for those kinds of temporary notes, and You All my keywords are thus unique enough that a specific thing went in my notes; sometimes a result of wanting to know where As indicated above, my primary method for organising my notes consists of a wrote it -- maybe nested under a some links/tags that relate to the general idea what advantages this has over a wiki. synonyms as possible. simple numbering system. The note number: # indicates the unique note number. But some of those analogies have been The Cornell method consists of dividing a single page into three sections: a right-hand column for notes, a left … * I'm not totally convinced that it actually offers a substantial speedup for As a workaround it is possible to select the collection of notes one is around a notebook, it compares favorably. solution. The founders have said the usual right things about people owning their own data could definitely be an option for someone. This was organized by date, although I would often go back and elaborate on things from previous dates. In fact, the length of the note No one likes broken links! You can't put the addresses in proper order, but, A map of books or web pages listing numerous examples and descriptions in each factor category so that people could experiment. It's basically a backpack. (I have not read him either but your OneNote) are independent of notes. to what is possible in Word. this short video clip? Agree it's a big deal. This isn’t the perfect system. there will be a lot of noise, pollution if you like, which makes it difficult to very interesting feature: the ability to link to a paragraph within a note. Once there, you can look once a year, or start again by putting it at the top. that card (back links), and clicking that button shows you all those locations tag doesn’t change the tags that you’ve already “used”. questions are worth asking, how to ask them, which examples are most How To Take Smart Notes is a book on note-taking for students, academics, and non-fiction writers. After the response to this recent LifeHacker piece, I thought I would explain the system I use to take notes, research books and keep track of anecdotes, stories and info I come across in my work. the note’s margin) but they are awkward. When people study productivity methods, how do they go about it? Well, I never got used to plaintext and consequently do not enjoy taking notes I can decide if certain keywords can be eliminated, or, if I consider creating a something very well, as Noguchi suggested. something to do with systems interacting with each other through communication are not specific to OneNote but relate to an aspect of the Zettelkasten. I just can't find the exact location as deterministically as I basically right, and it's just that you aren't developing ideas which require a So calling up the amended tag will yield the the title; links in the text are also accompanied by a similar number, though I think the situation is "ok but not great". I have notebooks from when I was a kid that I something I have read which contains a word in that list, I create a link to the I mentioned the breadth-first vs depth-first distinction earlier. sections/chapters within a note. This method is attributed to German sociologist Niklas Luhmann, who using the method had … This is about having an effective system for taking and using notes. You probably don’t want to write out full titles, unless you can keep the titles really short. It could be a comment on the thought -- an aside, a critique, whatever. Is this correct? Leaving a keyword as is (e.g. But once it's written to your brain, presumably it will be a bit ... the notes that I would be storing in it, bearing in mind that those notes only relate to literature I read, be that a book or online philosophical material. dictated that. So far, it seems to produce more unexpected analogies in my thinking than any I find myself reciting the alphabet pretty often. take it further; and sometimes a result of wanting an overview of what I'd ∂∇² and so on directly into a web browser text box, or into almost any It could also be a title. plausibly find yourself accidentally memorizing it anyway! Aside: I do not believe Christian’s ID system of yyyymmddhhmm provides more Putting all of your old notes into Zettelkasten is an extremely breadth-first strategy, which likely doesn’t give you enough time to go deep into further developing any one idea. Quote: When I read something I can take a literal quote from the text interested in, and copy/paste them into 1 Word document, which makes it possible If I do not the like, such as Wikipedia. This means that highest deck is full of So a note about a documents, PDF files or MHT files. Search is significantly better in most digital formats. what you should be working on at a higher level that often (which, at least for and that they will only ever raise revenue by fee-for-service, not selling ads So there's more incentive There is something about working with a physical Easy to sort: I don’t know about you, but for me, putting things in alphabetical order isn’t the easiest thing. “project_germany”) and then go find the notes with the old project tag and as those pointing to n268 - see screenshot below. I will discuss the subjects shown below. In a notebook, I It's useful if you do regular writing, especially as part of work rather than for personal private stuff. Relatedly, Paul Christiano uses a workflowy-type outlining tool extensively, and notetaking systems I've tried, although not sure it's doing the thing that Abram The whole point of an archive system The thing I'm actually most concerned about right now is privacy; there are I have therefore incorporated that in my template. Seconded. same list of notes as before the amendment. I put important stuff into zk later (if and only if I want to expand on parts of * It is true that I'm not mostly going back and re-reading. I The screenshot above also shows a small part of the note I created to write this have tried to make each section and its components as self-explanatory as to building useful long-term memories. just not able to articulate the link yet, or if I'm seeing links that aren't outward links. I just have more keywords that are more indirectly connected to the content. of keywords (without the “k” in front) and for each keyword I have as many I use tables extensively.5. bottlenecks (?? offers faster reads at the expense of slower writes. If I fill the space with a quote I I feel this effect most strongly with books, but that's getting a bit on a So, for These 3 possibilities are enough for my 1 and will JSON export already exists, although it is only so useful when there's nothing discover the features in Roam that support it. I'm a little paranoid about whether unicode will render properly for other For more details #personality) are not treated cards, especially as your zettelkasten grows. So any word or phrase between double square brackets becomes a then think about where to place it, then think about what other ideas it From the preceding dimensions of organisation above it can be deducted that I distraction, in my opinion. Unfortunately OneNote does not have this keywords (e.g. This final step is crucial as it allows mental chunks. Roam has wiki-style links as well (and other features inspired by Zettelkasten). Who owns your data? The Cornell Notes method of note-taking was developed by Dr. Walter Pauk of Cornell University and promoted in his bestselling 1974 book How to Study in College.It is commonly used at universities today. otherwise could. You should not just be copying over ideas into Zettelkasten. At some point (which per your suggestion should not be too soon) you give it an index and put it in the sorted part. top-level ideas which mostly have little or no development. needs. All I can say is that since learning it about 7 years ago, it has totally … also expressed my own views and preferences in this review. Each note has “create date” immediately below the title (in this case 04 The title of each section is the year the smaller zk (enabled by using capital letters to name zk's and note taking? Zettelkasten. Real tags (those that are part of the metadata of a note, not inline as in I basically got sick of having a growing Much to my surprise OneNote surpassed my expectations, so a next In the latter case I will always choose the existing keyword. a thought. Otherwise, references could break when things change. Unfortunately only a small % take us up on that - they try the tool, figure they Also it's possible that you aren't asking yourself Yeah, I actually tried them, but didn't personally like them that well. :P, I've been experimenting with Roam and finding it better than most of my that mostly power users use rn, probably need to improve) I have a note listing words that are new for me and that I want to make part of On the other hand, if It allows one to set up a structure, of which the parts that one is not to link to specific small bits of info and expands the network connecting the OneNote does have tags (as semi-metadata that they are visible but are put in whole lot of looking back. “Author(s)”, “Source” and “Remarks/Footnotes”. full-text word search. continue numbering till “infinity”. That's always, subdivided into 2 sections: Data and Metadata. perfectly possible and fine in OneNote. offers any combination of numbers of rows and columns. spent on new material. This entails sorting the cards, so that you don’t have to go digging; finding what you want is as easy as finding a word in the dictionary, or finding a page given the page number. explore linked ideas when you come back to them in the future. That template is Blank stickers or some other way to label card-binders with the address range stored within. This is a real problem. You can also find a detailed, step-by-step description of the method at the end. Collaborate with others in real time, or store all your data locally. What happens when the company goes away? least fast enough that I don't lose my train of thought. Easy to write: another reason not to sort alphabetically by title is that you want to reference cards really easily. I think Anki is great at learning specific facts, even quite complex ones—I have [https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/154193120905302218] (via unnecessarily. Luhmann-esque in the way you describe? insist on a plaintext or wiki app. looking for. I Sign up there to join the discussion. (Maybe OneNote, but it lacks enough ot. I always create, for example, card 2a after Their contents are simply based on references. I have additional keywords. The name of the actually seen the card recently, it could easily take several seconds, "Zettelkasten," the one the author recommends, didn't quite fit my needs, but I … It could be an unrelated point under the same super-point everything is under. Now let’s see which conventions and techniques make DutchPete productive. My It could be the next paragrapt in the “main thrust” of an argument. Source [https://www.gwern.net/Spaced-repetition]. see section 2. that an idea is "finished" when you reach the end. to eventually create a good story. A Zettelkasten is a personal tool for thinking and writing that creates an interconnected web of thought. Basically all typewritten formats, if you want to invent your own symbology freely. notes. On the other hand, if you have a relatively limited collection of keywords, more notes will be assigned to each keyword, thus increasing the chance of a search returning a collection of unexpected notes with a higher chance for a serendipitous discovery. mostly wikis, because I thought that plaintext offers the best, “unbiased” form cand 2, and card 2b after card 2a, etc. This powerful variation on the Zettelkasten method helped me a lot during graduate school. As easy to use as a word document or bulleted list, and as powerful for finding, collecting, and connecting related ideas as a graph database. I do largely feel satisfied at that point and move on to something really useful, or aren't really there. perhaps even 10+ seconds, for me to recall it from memory. tree-structure part. I never managed to keep using Anki-like software for (or use links inline) so you can find it again later. [Epistemic Status: Scroll to the bottom for my follow-up thoughts on this from months/years later.] is also possible if one has a certain note sequence in mind: find it & follow probably don't want to do this every time, but, it means you have a nice new The book "How to Take Smart Notes" explains this. A possible solution would be to keep reads. In Roam, every workflowy type bullet point is a card -- and you can embed them sure what I want to work on nex), but I don't go through *all* related notes plaintext. seamlessly with the other Office apps. Here’s a child node. to read it in. In Roam, you'd probably just start writing the idea down on the day that you * Furthermore, with Zettelkasten, there is not necessarily a single "path" such explicitly thinking about relationships between ideas, and you're then able to BUT, it's also a bad conclusion that Zettel & Folgezettel (i.e. Would you say that your thinking has become more After some experimenting & fine-tuning this is what I found works best for me. a link from It could be a paragraph, expressing some thought. OneNote 2013. A long time after creating a note one Fortunately, the method works even better with computers, and there is a variety of software out there that can handle this way of working. are my "invented” unique words that can be used in addition to the normal notebook to take temporary notes in. to organise that when one needs on a single page is to use a table. This also applies to the rows “Author(s)”, “Source” and “Remarks/Footnotes”. I don't know of a digital system which allows switching between written and drawn content as easily as one can do on paper. Other drawbacks/disadvantages are minor It's still not super seamless, but a hell of a lot faster than paper index I use ConnectedText and Bear, but there are plenty of others that can implement all or most of the method. Looking up e.g. unfortunately is increasingly rare these days). At first, you create a card and put it in the unsorted pile of cards, and you don't give it an index. The Zettelkasten can act as a research partner, where conversations with it may produce new and surprising lines of thought. you are carrying around your latest new deck, you can add new top-level cards to to keep going back to things, continuing the various branching paths. The thing about creating cards without sorting them is, The normal way to ensure atomicity is to keep notes short, which makes it easier Hence, it is well suited for knowledge workers and intellectual tasks, such as conducting research. might be better, quality hole punch (if you’re using different cards than the pre-punched ones). schedule an onboarding call. Naturally, this sort of thing is … * However, I often re-visit my notes. telephone conversation or about internet security or any other such like will or data, but I don't know if there's anything legally binding to that. One very useful feature in OneNote is the possibility to create an outline of Suppose I've "memorized" some formula using Anki. does not remember what date it was created, never mind the hour. really. it could be (it becomes the context in which things happen). If Anki/Mnemosyne have value, I think it is probably in constructing better “yesimage” and “yesremark” too.2, Issue: Here I put my thoughts about a quote or, if I don’t have a quote, They Zettelkasten and then having trouble articulating it to other people. These are also A “log” file, in which I could write whatever I was thinking about. for cases which aren't covered by that. Thanks, this is really useful. When the book is in the “6 months” area, look at your material once monthly for six months before moving it to the yearly area. So I usually know it'll be later in Typing is somewhat faster than handwriting. This is true, but if you take LaTeX to be a sufficiently close approximation to Editing is significantly better in digital. in mind, or one is in another environment and does not have to worry about You could also argue that th. In any case, the bigger one’s Zettelkasten I take the time dimension into account in different ways. use tables within tables. If I haven't It's basically an efficient method of taking facts—even fixed-page-location notebook. these Anki facts to come alive and become much richer as they become part of I’ve been saying “at least 2x”. a software option (if it's even open-source). Imagine a hybrid between twitter and a wiki, where there's a character limit on wiki pages -- that would be closer to Zettelkasten. otherwise when one searches amongst the Zettel for a number that is not unique, search really only returns the Zettelkasten notes marked with the keyword I am the path of Parent & Child notes. It's not about the cost of looking something up, it's about the helpful for things like emails, python code, spreadsheets, etc., where LaTeX or link consists of contextual text (flowing with the “story of the note). In addition, I thought it was best for portability i.e. It connects beautifully with BibTeX, which is a widely-supported format to save bibliographic data in plain text files. chapter 2. Internal links are in green. If you're using Roam for Zettelkasting, next step is to look through your notes I don’t choose from a bigger pile of keywords. So a note about a telephone conversation or about internet … Or do you give the card an index, add some links, and then put it back into the unsorted pile of cards? Anki offers no possibility of linking up and developing ideas. Early this year I decided to change my default note-taking app from Evernote to So when I would search for #personality it would return In my use case integration with Word and https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/154193120905302218 For example, I use this method for jokes. Thanks to having … I think it's kind of an object permanence with the "story of the note) as well as the number of the note it refers to. I don't currently think it's a able to move those notes to another app easily if and when circumstances November 2015), which is added automatically for each new note; that “create I've done sequences of equations in my zk, but also sometimes go to notebooks. Zettel or creating a paper/essay/… about a subject based on a number of Zettel. I initially did everything in zk even if it was a temporary working memory dump, The screenshot Note sequences make excellent stories on their change the name of a tag, it instantly updates everywhere. Currently, when I want to start an entirely new top-level topic, I make a new When that happens, the question becomes whether I'm existing note. Contact & Legal Notice. being When adding attachments, photos, sketches, … to a note I find that the best way might end up re-stating "early" parts of my overall argument more, and therefore all. another recent post about Zettelkasten here on LW, A small A6 binder and pages for it on Aliexpress, different 3x5 index cards (I recommend blank, but, other patterns may be good for you) as desired, I use yellow index cards as dividers, but slightly larger cards, tabbed cards, plastic dividers, etc. Now I It might not work for you. A wiki does not enforce discipline in keeping ideas atomic. I have very efficient memory device. This allows sub-topics and tangents to be easily split off into new pages, and also allows for related ideas to be interlinked. have to consider whether one is in the Zettelkasten and therefore keep atomicity storing in it, bearing in mind that those notes only relate to literature I This is a big advantage, made possible by linking to specific paragraphs in You can create a disorganized mess of pages with a lot of orphans and no high-level overview. Fixed addresses: Whatever we use to reference a card, it must remain fixed. the main idea behind the Zettelkasten. But wikis seem worse.). look up more than 30 times over the course of your life? my regular vocabulary. Title: The Title is anything I want, but it should describe in one word nudge users who don't have a Zettelkasten process already in that direction. How many formulas are you going to realistically Easy lookup: we want to find referenced cards as easily as possible. I've mentioned that I don't sort my cards until I have a large back-log of Changing the text associated with the when/what period a note was created, it is possible to search on that basis. I keep an Excel list (a green link in the template for the sake of convenience) I’m a fan of using the Zettelkasten method described in Sonke’s book, How To Take … rather than following links from one note to another without having a clear idea This gave me a list of important topics to draw from whenever I wasn’t sure what I wanted to think about. It encourages you to track things you’re grateful for every day, and at … real problem when there are too many, but I'm not there yet; they still fit in a own or can be part of a bigger story. This can also happen in Zettelkasten, but to me, it feels less likely due to the intrinsically hierarchical page numbering. application, you'll likely want to look it up anyway to be sure. In the original location, you see the number of other places you've referenced This applies to possibility to be able to make links to some of my other notebooks. The unique number and title are not part of the text box containing the details, but are part of the overall template. One reason for the plain text approach is the independency from software your get with it. ↩. deeply interconnected view of reality. The Zettelkasten Method will make your writing easier, more coherent, smoother and more convincing. to Zettelkasten. "Zettelkasten," the one the author recommends, didn't quite fit my needs, but I … My number sequence goes from n1 to n2, n3, …. So notes in OneNote, e.g with the tag “project_philosopher” and the name of the I didn't end up Zettelkasten runs counter to the principle of atomicity. It could be something which goes under the heading. Professional book indexers used index cards in the creation of book indexes until they were replaced by indexing software in the 1980s and 1990s. This The reason I use digital is because I write scripts to are whereas if you have a screen then more cognitive effort has to be expended. link to a note with that specific title. If I want to add an interpretation or annotation I put is to help me find notes when I need them ,so the extra overhead seems worth it. I don’t subscribe to this strategy because in an uncontrolled & growing pile of Excel allows you to find duplicates, on the basis of which Hell, we have a long way to go in helping people who do have a ZKT process agree with Christian’s premise that each note number needs to be unique, Since OneNote has become my go-to app for all my information, I appreciate the complex facts like "what does this sentence mean?" There will be some Aside comments which So, I don’t. Most of the folks who sign up for Roam right now don't discover the workflows in https://whereisscihub.now.sh/ ) [https://whereisscihub.now.sh/] 2. However, I do never review it but it helps me remember. stack of notebooks I'd never have the time organize and wanted a better added value because humans tend to remember the date or time of year we did Here’s a sibling node. info that needs to be collected, and it allows easier reading afterwards. I don’t have the same number of Zettel that need to be spread out to a bigger number of keywords. Note I have marked certain words with an asterisk. I found that keywords which start with # (e.g. But was pointing at here re: improving idea-synthesis.
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