what role does the family play in juvenile delinquency
It can be seen from table 6 that mostly the respondents in this study are males (68%), whereas (32%) teenagers are female respondents (see also Diagram 6). REVIEW OF LITERATURE : DELINQUENCY AND PARENTAL ROLE, Understanding American juvenile justice system, patrilineal concept,meaning,role in succession, Concept and Examples of Peer Group And its role, Cliques, Crowd, Problems faced by SC/ST in India and Their Measures: Essay, Indian Political Thought: List of 10 Indian Political Thinkers, Mental Health: Illness causes, Stages, Importance, Solutions, Dalit Feminism: Meaning, History, Personalities and Books. 191-206). Why does the United States, considered the “wealthiest” country on earth and the world leader in many social categories, come up short in areas of child welfare? In a study conducted by (Poduthase, 2012) they identified three major factors of family process. Kubrin, C.E., Stucky, T.D., & Krohn M.D. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul. So it can be seen that female children are more often tend to be engaged in delinquent behavior than the males. a) Name – (optional) c) Educational Qualification-, a) Between first and second b) Between second and third, c) Between third and fourth c) Others. Indian adolescents are faced with various problems such as juvenile delinquency, alcohol and drug abuse, illiteracy, school dropout, low educational attainment, and family violence (Agarwal, 1989; Parikh & Krishna, 1992; Sarkar, 1988). The Indian Penal Code Act of 1860 is the act under which all the substantive aspects of criminal laws are incorporated. Family predictors of. The independent variable is family structure and the dependent variable is juvenile delinquency. These children are much more likely to get into trouble than children who return home to the supervision of a parent or guardian. If a child develops anger and mistrust then hat child becomes a child without a conscience and behaves in an anti-social manner. It is a tragedy that many American children grow up in dysfunctional families headed by substance abusing parents, live in deteriorated neighborhoods, have access to dangerous weapons, are lured by criminal gangs, and are constantly exposed to extremes of poverty and violence. Delinquency itself is socially inadequate adjustment on the part of the individual to difficult situations. (Ed. As non-probability purposive and convenience sampling is used so the results can therefore not be generalized beyond the sample studied. Failing grades, truancy, and dropping out are only some of the responses available to students who do not succeed in the school system. (1990). (2004). Despite the likely influence of the family, little research has explored the family impact and the role parenting processes play in the learning disability-juvenile delinquency connection. Communication also plays a big role in how the family functions. 12) What is your suggestion regarding the solution of this problem. International Journal of Forensic Mental Health, 1, 103-119. Juvenile delinquency involves wrong doing by a child or a young person who is under an age specified by the law. A considerable amount of research has found a number of family factors play a vital role in making of a juvenile delinquent. 11) Do you tease or make fun of your friends from the opposite gender? The researcher observed that most of these families had dominant father. These meta-analyses indicate a smaller but non-trivial role for family factors in the onset of delinquency and the continuation of offending as adults. It is obvious that the family cannot totally control outside influences upon its members, but it can have a significant impact on shaping the extent to which children are exposed to other major agents of socialization. If today’s adolescents are going to become tomorrow’s leaders, then society must instill in them the upstanding values of character which will help them succeed, making a smooth transition to adulthood. The teenage girls do not like sharing secrets with their fathers maybe because they think mothers are more soft hearted and lenient than the father. Family & relationship – Dept. The respondents were mainly the parents and their children. The overall purpose of the study was to explore the relationship between various family-related factors and crime. Risk and Protective Factors for Juvenile Delinquency: The Context of Child Abuse and Exposure to Domestic Violence XI. Adolescent Abuse VII. It can be seen from the  table and diagram that 64% of the parents don’t know about their children’s friends phone number while only 36% of the parents know about it. Most children do not grow up in the traditional “American Family” anymore. In these realms children learn the values, attitudes, and processes that will guide their actions from adolescence into adulthood, and throughout the rest of their lives. It can be seen from the following table that 29.4% of the teenage males argue with their parents while 11.8% of the males do not fight with their parents whereas 58.8% of the male child argue with their parents. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. However, it is generally agreed that a number of factors that play an important part in a youngster’s delinquent behavior can be divided into two groups, individual factors and situational factors (Sharma,Dhillion,2009). There can be a better research on this topic if sufficient resources are available. Because of the school’s significant role in the socialization of juveniles, a large part of the responsibility for preventing delinquency seems to fall upon the school system. Wilson and G.C. It is also seen that children in urban and semi-urban areas who belong to middle class families are found more prone to crimes such as theft, rape, and murder and this happens because there is an absence of proper environment both within a family as well as in a community level. From 1953 to 2000, delinquent behaviour contributed only a 0.05% share of the national crime rate. The large number of married women working outside the home is a recent phenomenon in the last forty years, which has undoubtedly impacted the American family. 12)  With whom do you like to share your secrets? Are trends of juvenile delinquency increasing or decreasing? While, 24% of the adolescents spend their time with friends in the school and 20% of the teenagers like to ‘watch movies’ with their friends. 10) Mention some of the traits you want to see in your child? Parents and the children were questioned separately with the help of two different interview schedule. So it can be seen that parents generally trust their children. A good amount of negligence can be seen when it comes to the nature of relationship the parents share with their children. We also believe in the power of knowledge in making the world a better place to thrive and survive. Hence it can be said that, mostly the parents are not aware of their child friends contact number in general. Table 1 show that 33.3% fathers know about their child’s friends phone number, whereas 37.5% mothers have the knowledge about their child’s friend’s phone number. Thus, implementing these types of educational programs does not guarantee a solution. Delinquency is a universal problem and it is seen all over the world without exceptions to any specific cultures or religions. New York: Oxford University Press. … The quality of relationships could be defined as a constellation of attitudes toward the child that are communicated to the child in the long history of the relationships (Darling & Steinberg, 1993). So, it can be said that parents do not sufficiently know all the information regarding their child like their friends know. The Roles of the Family in Controlling Juvenile Delinquency through Enhancing Child Development Uwo et al. Certainly there is evidence that family has an effect on delinquency but the true nature of this relationship is yet to be fully established. The above table and diagram show that 52% of the parents considers their children to be their friends as they said ‘yes’, 12% of the parents said ‘no’ as they don’t consider their children to be their friends while 20% of the guardians answered as ‘don’t know’ and 16% of the parents said that their children are ‘too young to be their friends’, Example of other child given by the parents. In this context, parental influence among adolescents is mostly seen as a matter of concern. Studies of juvenile delinquency have shown that the family environment can present as either a risk or protective factor. There must also be counseling services available to help students who have already manifested behavioral problems. This has created “latchkey children”, which describes school-aged children who return home after school to an empty house. In India, crimes are generally classified into two categories: crimes that come under the Indian Penal Code (IPC) and crimes that come under Special and Local Laws (SLL). Many children who experience a divorce or are otherwise in nontraditional families may not be as close to their parents as children in two biological parent families. 1. Theoretical Foundation for the Relationship between Child Abuse and Juvenile Delinquency VIII. I. Definitions II. Researching theories of crime and deviance. Nelson, C. (1996). However, it is generally agreed that a number of factors that play an important part in a youngster’s delinquent behavior can be divided into two groups, individual factors and situational factors (Sharma,2009). ‘Other’ activities include  engaging in a family conversation, helping with the household chores etc. Introduction Crime happens anywhere in this world and it excuse no one, It is from here the individual picks up a “self” through the process of socialization. a) Do you return it back to your friend? Richmond, KY: National Juvenile Detention, Odgers, C., & Moretti, M. (2002). The above table and diagram number 25 show that 44% of the parents trust their children ‘mostly/all part of the time’, 36% of the parents trust their children ‘sometimes’, whereas 16% of the guardians trust their children ‘a little part of the time’ and only 4% of the guardians ‘rarely or none of the time’ trust their child. Deković, M., Janssens, J. M. A. M. and Van As, N. M. C. (2003). It can be seen that 15% of the teenagers responded as ‘others’ when asked about the hobbies. It has grown over the past years and many do not know how it evolved. Family is important throughout the period of early adolescence. References Alltucker, K. W. , Bullis, M. , Close, D. , & Yovanoff, P. (2006). 20% of the parents who are engaged in ‘service’ and ‘business’ ask about the account of pocket money from their child while 60% of them do not keep an account of it, 20% of the parents who are involved in ‘business’ and ‘service’ sometimes ask about the account of the pocket money from their children. (Yes/No). Parents who are engaged in service and business said 40% disobedience/rudeness as the major problem for the teenagers, while the parents who are engaged in service said that 20% of the problem lies in the use of social networking sites by the teenagers and those who are engaged in business said that 40% of the problem of the teenagers in the present society in the use of the social networking sites. The more leisure time that an adolescent spends with parents, the less likely the adolescent is to deviate. Family management practices with inadvertence have been found a strong reason in the construction of adolescents" antisocial behaviour [10]. (2005). In Hurrelmann, K. Many studies suggest that family conflicts are number one reason why some adolescents become deviant. All crimes that come under other laws are generally termed as SLL. (32%) responded to ‘no’, whereas (24%) of the children responded to ‘yes’. 20% of the children are seen to spend time with their parents ‘while studying’ and the rest 12% spends time with their guardian in weekend outing. Concl… Table and diagram 22 depict that 64% of the parents don’t ask about the account of pocket money, 24% of the parents ask about the account of pocket money to their child and 12% ‘sometimes’ ask to their child about it. What according to you is the leading social problem of the recent times? As age, sex, income, parental education and occupation, parent-child attachment, lead to changes these are the independent variable whereas, delinquent behavior of the children is the dependent variable of the present study. Social welfare and security. Proactive and reactive aggression in delinquent adolescents: Relations to aggression outcome expectancies. It forms the basis without which no society can survive. 66.7% fathers do not have the knowledge of their child’s friend’s phone number while 62.5% mothers do not know about it. Berkeley: University of California Press. New. The questions were divided into various categories such as the socio-demographic profile, educational background; extent and quality of time parents spend with their children, parents’ view about the future career of their children, relationship between the parents themselves, nature of bonding between the siblings, consequence of negative peer pressure, children’s view about their bonding with their parents etc. Exposure to Domestic Violence IX. Some suffer from psychological and emotional problems. Generally, delinquency refers to illegal acts, whether criminal or not, committed by youth under the … Ryan J. Dedmon, MA, is the Founder of Operation 10-8. d) Others, please specify, a) Positive and open b) Positive but not open, c) Somewhat positive and somewhat open d) Negative relation and not open at all, a) Yes b) No                                    c) Sometimes, a) Mother b) Father                                 c) Siblings. It is his environment and social context that provokes his actions. ‘Mothers’ are mainly the respondents in this study. This children are therefore prone to stress and depression. While 50% of the parents who are self employed ‘sometimes’ ask about it from their children and also 50% of the self employed parents do not ask about it from their child. Early onset of delinquent behavior is a predictor of chronic offending. The long-term impact of cognitively oriented preschool programs on the reduction of antisocial behavior is a more direct indication that fostering early cognitive development can play an important role in the prevention of juvenile delinquency (Schweinhart et al., 1993; Schweinhart and Weikart, 1997). So we can come to a general conclusion that, the mutual relationship between the parents and their children should have a friendly bonding to prevent the child to be engaged in further  delinquent behavior or activities. Education officials need to institute more programs that will make schools more effective instruments of delinquency prevention. Table 5 shows that the children studying in junior high (Up to Class IX) are 24% and  children studying in Secondary (Class X & XII)  are 44% and  that in Higher Secondary ( Class XII & Above) are 32% (see also Diagram 5). This feeling of frustration is usually vented as aggressive behavior towards teachers and peers alike. Gender Roles in the Juvenile Justice System What role does gender play at the various stages of the juvenile justice system? In C. Nelson, R. Rutherford, & B. Wolford (Eds. The distinctive role of children and adolescents in Indian families and their interdependency with the family members tends to last much longer compared to many other developed countries (Madan, 1990; Simhadri, 1989). On the other hand, externalizing disorders are directed outward and involve behavioral excesses, such as disturbing others verbal and physical aggression, and acts of violence (Rao, 2013). Today, it seems much more of child-rearing is delegated to nannies, baby-sitters, and day care providers. The empirical evidence shows that too many young men and women from broken families tend to have a much weaker sense o… REVIEW OF LITERATURE : DELINQUENCY AND PARENTAL ROLE Delinquency is a universal problem and it is seen all over the world without exceptions to any specific cultures or religions. Here, also it can be said that parents are not interested in asking about the account of pocket money from their child. A risk factor is a characteristic that, when present, promotes the adoption of harmful behaviour (e.g., delinquency). (2008). A family may influence a person’s behavior either negatively or positively both at childhood and adulthood. This monograph reviews research on the influence of family life on juvenile delinquency and adult crime. Exposure to Domestic Violence and Child Abuse X.
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