species 8472 vs dominion
Thor Damar, God of thunder and monologue.. (You must log in or sign up to reply here.). USS … The Dominion VS Species 8472. The Orion Syndicate collaborated with the Dominion in "Honor Among Thieves," but the stance of … They were first mentioned in "The Loss", a fourth-season episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation which first aired in 1990.References to them were made in several other Next Generation episodes, but they did not appear until the 1996 fourth season Star Trek: Deep … Species 8472 > Borg > Kelvan Empire > Voth > Dominion Borg might be first if they can utilize the Nanoprobe weapons Is Species 8472 really that powerful or are they merely kryptonite to the Borg exclusively? .. If we extrapolate from that, the Borg are probably about 1500 years old at most. Descriptions For Three 2021 Star Trek Novels, New Star Trek Graphic Novels Collection Books, Star Trek Kobayashi Maru Web Game and Contest, Syncing Star Trek: Discovery With Short Treks: Calypso. The Hirogen are a long-lived humanoid species native to the Delta Quadrant. At the end of DS9, we see the dominion fleet bombard a planet from orbit causing a great deal of destruction to the surface. Scenario - Captain Janeway's diplomatic efforts with Species 8472 in the Voyager episode "In the Flesh" ultimately fails. Species 8472 was even on the verge of winning the war against the Borg before Captain Janeway allied with the Borg. if you want to support this page: https://www.patreon.com/MichaelJCrawford In mid-2373, the Borg Collective learned of the existence of a species whose physiology they believed represented the "apex of biological evolution." Discussion in 'Star Trek: Deep Space Nine' started by pimp, Dec 19, 2008. Scene from Star Trek Voyager episode "Scorpion". Star Trek Online House Reborn Codes Giveaway. Species 8472: Species 8472's motivations are revealed (they are extremely xenophobic, and have apparently exterminated all other sentient life in their own universe). … Descriptions For Three 2021 Star Trek Novels, New Star Trek Graphic Novels Collection Books, Star Trek Kobayashi Maru Web Game and Contest, Syncing Star Trek: Discovery With Short Treks: Calypso. klingons, romulans, vulcans, cardassians, the borg, q, the dominion, xindi, species 8472 and many others have felt our power. Because it is far more likely for the dominion to succeed against one cube than if the collective came after them with the same vigor as Species 8472. Prior to founding the Dominion, the Changelings were a migratory exploring species. Neither side has any prior knowledge of the other. join us or die! Discussion in 'Star Trek: Deep Space Nine' started by pimp, Dec 19, 2008. Turning this back to Dominion vs Borg, we can use this planet-destruction metric to show that the Dominion has exponentially less firepower than Species 8472. I mean, if Janeway could do it... we can. If they can't then that's a severe disadvantage right there since they wouldn't be able to attack their territory and 8472 can just pop up at will then attack and then disappear again. The Borg would just wipe them out and then pick and choose from any useful Dominion member species. For all of these questions, you can actually play it out using WizKids! Just for comparison to show how weaker The Dominion is then Species 8472. (VOY reference: Voyager Companion) 1 Biology 2 Culture 2.1 Hirogen ranks 3 History 4 Technology 4.1 Starships and vehicles 5 List of Hirogen 6 Appendices 6.1 Connections 6.2 External link In terms of appearance, the species show characteristics of both mammal and reptilian based lifeforms. I did a search, and did not see this already suggested, so here goes.Species 8472 (later known as the Undine) was a playable race in STA2, and one of my favorite races to play as (also my brother's favorite). Way way to strong, With Starship Voyager and psycho beotch Janeway, all things can happen, (You must log in or sign up to reply here.). The Breen are a fictional extraterrestrial species featured in the Star Trek science fiction franchise. Dominion, Breen, Cardassians, Romulans, Klingons, Feds, Tholians, Gorn, Tzenkathi together couldn't whoop 8472. With the end of the Dominion War, the Borg are probably the most significant threat from outside the Alpha quadrant, unless Species 8472 makes a comeback. Star Trek Online House Reborn Codes Giveaway. ^ These posts = awesome. A Borg Cube fights the UNSC Infinity The fight takes place in the Sol System, near the planet Jupiter. The Minbari vs The Vulcans The Narn vs The Klingons The Centauri vs The Ferengi The Shadows vs The Borg Thirdspace aliens vs Species 8472 The Vorlons vs the Founders (The Dominion… Of course, the writers later changed this because they don't appear to give a rat's ass about continuity, but that's the state of Species 8472 when they were originally introduced. We get introduced to some new enemy like the the Dominium, the Borg, Species 8472, etc; to start off with they are really powerful, but then suddenly they seem to get a lot weaker, but a lot more numerous. The fight ends when one … we spread out and conquer under the guise of "exploration and peace." Discussion in 'General Trek Discussion' started by c0rnedfr0g, Apr 2, 2009. This is largely because of … Species 8472 is undoubtedly one of the most bizarre organic lifeforms ever encountered by the Federation. The dominion up against 100 cubes won't last a week. But to put this in simple terms, a fleet of probably >900 ships did substantially less … This is something that happens a lot in Trek, and irritates me immensely. Hey Guys, Let's take a look at the Borg-Species 8472 War! Species 8472, now immune to the Voyager nanites, launches a second invasion through the space-time fissure in the Delta Quadrant, this time to completely wipe the galaxy clean of all sentient life, whether they be Borg, Federation, Dominion … When the USS Voyager made contact with them, Species 8472 were engaged in a war with one of Star Trek's perennial antagonists, the Borg. Designated Page 1 of 2 1 2 Next > pimp Commander Red Shirt. Hello Is Strange New Worlds About To Start Production? If the Dominion is aware of the Borg, it's definitely from knowledge obtained from member populations, rather than information the Changelings discovered in their peaceful era. the one they launched against the Federation where they devestated Vulcan, Andor, Tellar, Qo'noS and destroyed Deneva and Risa. Species 8472 is a fictional extraterrestrial species in the science fiction television series Star Trek: Voyager.Species 8472 is a designation given to them by the Borg.The multiplayer game Star Trek Online gives their proper name as Undine.. As the only sentient species native to fluidic space, the invasion by the Borg prompted Species 8472 to launch a genocidal retaliation against all the weak and impure species of the galaxy. The Cube and the Infinity start off 500,000 kilometres away from each other. Hirogen adult males were quite large, standing above the average height of most other known humanoid Is Strange New Worlds About To Start Production? Also, Janeway somehow took down both of …  Joined: Aug 18, 2008 Location: United Kingdom, London. We do know that the Voth have a degree of technical superiority over the Federation that the Borg , happily, did not enjoy. At the end of DS9, we see the Dominion fleet bombarding a planet from orbit which causes a great deal of destruction to the planet surface. They aren't going to fall for the Founders' tricks. The potential exists that the mystery ally was a never-before-mentioned species, or even a lesser power like the Orions, Gorn or Nausicaans. humans are, by far, the most dangerous species in the galaxy. Hundreds of Cubes, wearing down their defences until they couldn't fight back anymore. Star Trek Attack Wing game. The Borg are losing the Battle against Species 8472. Who said anything about assimilating the Founders ? I'm not going by Borg attacks on the Federation with one cube, I'm talking about the kind of assault they launched against Arturis' people (Species 116). Dominion fleet of probably more than 900 ships did much less damage than just 9 Species 8472 ships, making them about 1,000 to 10,000 times … And featuring clowns!! This has been a much requested video and while I think that there were some things I could improve on, I stand by my decision.
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