my friend speaks good english change into interrogative
(negative) My friend speaks good English. They are naughty and jealous 10. d You can mend my watch. Let’s understand the types of sentences. Had the students left the school before the bell rang? Can I have something to eat? 7. go              8.   think       9. copy 7) It a doll. (lived, live, living). to denote a single action in the past: as: To denote an action going on in the past; as: While they danced, we sang. We’re here on holiday. Vimal was talking to Vijay at ten o’clock last night. So now here I am, with a little over a week until Valentine's Day with absolutely no idea what to give my boyfriend. Make six sentences from the following chart. She writes an e-mail to her best friend. (interrogative) Dogs are barking. For example: These are "or" questions that are designed to offer one or more choices in the context of the question. You can see How the Transformation-of-Sentences, containing the adverb ‘too’, takes place without changing the meaning of the sentence. I am not ………………….it. He sometimes goes to school with you 9. 13) I in London today. 2. For example: When is the deadline? I have been living in this flat since 2000. 2. 3. When you want an answer to a question, it's crucial to ask it directly in your writing or speaking, instead of creating an indirect question like this. An interrogative form is a milder or more polite form of the imperative. or YOU SPEAK ENGLISH? (interrogative) He is learning music. 2. 3. He loves to play basketball. My father doesn’t speak good English. I saw a hut at a distance. Change interrogative sentences into assertive sentences. We were watching the shop windows when we met Vimal. 10) It a French lesson. - English Grammar (ইংরেজি ব্যাকরণ) Transformation of Sentences : Assertive to interrogative - English Grammar (ইংরেজি ব্যাকরণ) English & Bengali Online o They swim very well. For example: The word "if" sets up the indirect question that is embedded in this declarative sentence. close friend: a very good friend. If I'm there, he always tries to give me a translation, especially if we're with his parents (who also speak English … 11) London a beautiful city. English Complex Sentences, 10 Complex Sentences in English; 1.Although my friends begged me, I chose not to go to the reunion. The Past Perfect Tense denotes an action completed before a certain moment in the past; as; He had already read this book. Will you be home soon, or should I eat without you? Do you think I should go home or stay a little longer? A griffin is not as rapacious as him. I was trying to get a taxi at ten o clock last night. He is in the kitchen. The past continuous tense represents an action as going on at some point of time in the past; as: I was reading, when he called on me. he been studying for examination for four days? 3.Many people enjoyed the movie; however, Alex did not. ), or a 'normal' verb. 8. The teacher promised me, “If you come to school tomorrow, I will explain it.” 4. These are mainly verbs of condition or behaviour not strictly under human control Consequently they go on whether we like it or not, as; Where is Umesh? English grammar tips with Gymglish, online English lessons. ‘Where …………….. the children?’ ‘I don’t know. All Rights Reserved. (have dope, had done, have been doing). In English, declarative statements and questions employ different word order and sometimes use different verb forms. An open-ended question usually begins with a "question word" in English: So start your open-ended interrogative sentence with a question word, then continue the sentence with the verb and the subject. Although my “ultimate” best friend, as I guess we would call her, has been a part of my life since I was 10, and is more realistically family at this point. Ruchi and Rubi were cooking in the kitchen. It is not …………………. Where had Raman been playing since noon? The above three sentences are compound sentences. If we do not suggest duration from the past, the present continuous is used but as scon as we imply a relationship between the past and now, the perfect continuous must be used; as: He ______  in this school for several years. It is one of the four basic types of sentences, and it's a highly useful one. Change interrogative sentences into assertive sentences. We go to Delhi next week. for a few days, (seen, saw, seeing), The players had been …………………. No other mountain in the world is so high as Mount Everest. Learn more. Task 2 - Rewrite the sentences into … e She loves talking to friends. Note:-An in indirect speech we talk about such incidents that are after the time of reporting and had happened away from the place of reporting therefore the words that show nearness has to be replaced by the words that show distance.Some exception in these changes. Somebody has stolen the bicycle. You are going ... Be Good at English. Complete the sentences. For example: Tag questions are added on to the end of declarative sentences. Tag questions usually ask for confirmation. When I saw them at midnight, they were trying to find a taxi. My son lives in London. I'm having a difficult time with a friend of 40 years. 3. 8) I a good pupil. • Indirect: He said that his mother was writing letter. 7. When combined with still , the future continuous refers to events that are already happening now and that we expect to continue some time into the future. To express what is actually taking place at the present moment; as: In vivid narrative as a substitute for the Past Tense; as: My brother and I ……… good cricket players. (It's basically just a fancy name for a question.) My friend takes the bus. Download PDF Change the following sentences into the affirmative without changing the meaning. I'll be eating with Jane this evening so I can tell her. ... First, change the statement into a question using a helping verb, being verb, or doing verb. For example, the simple declarative sentence "Laura walked to the store" starts with a subject (in this case, a person's name) followed by a verb and subject complement. • My friend is too rich to by my consort. 11. For example: In this sentence, the subject "Suzie" is sandwiched between the helping verb "did" and the main verb "leave." However, here the word order is usually changed to put the verb before the subject. Examine the examples below to get a feel for how this works in practice: In some cases, the question word itself serves as the subject of the sentence, because the subject is unknown — in fact, answering the question will provide the subject. No one can tolerate this. Change the following sentences into negative: Change the following sentences into questions: 1. The policeman asked me if the thief had stolen my watch. This sentence can be changed into an interrogative which is milder and hence more polite. Change them into the passive voice. It's also useful in writing as an organizational tool; for example, you can set up questions as headers and answer them to explain a concept in more detail in expository writing. Complete the sentences. Vishal was not living in Kolkata in July last year. 9. copied    10. knew         11. put            12. spoke. Most of my friends have watched this movie. (interrogative) Boys are doing their homework. An interrogative sentence asks a direct question and is punctuated at the end with a question mark. (negative) We are going to Kolkata soon. CBSE Maths notes, CBSE physics notes, CBSE chemistry notes. I. 5) It an apple. Copyright © 2020 LoveToKnow. No other poet is as great as Wordsworth. 6. 4. I                                   in Delhi                      last month, He             was           here                             last year, She                             in school                     yesterday, We                              in Haryana                 three weeks ago, You          were          in Hospital                 two years ago, They                           there                            a long time ago. Simple Present Tense or Present Indefinite Tense, In place of Future Tense when futurity is indicated by the context; as: 10. know      11.  put…       12. speak, 1. got          2. saw             3. played          4. paid Put in am / is/are (present) or was / were (past): 1. was; is         2. am           3. are; were        4. is; was It had been raining continuously since last Wednesday. The final punctuation is always a question mark (?. These direct questions will lead you to the answers you seek in the most straightforward manner. Read about declarative, imperative and exclamatory sentences in our Types of Sentences article. 5. WH- questions (Question Words)There are two main types of questions: Yes/No questions and WH- question. —> Subject + is / am / are + V4 (V1 + ing). sun-bath for a month, (have been taking, had taken, had been taking), I …………………. i They look tired. My boyfriend's first language isn't English, and often when he is with his friends and his family they speak their language. It was a great sight. He thanked me for what I ………………. You had not been going to school since Tuesday. c My car is being repaired. Structure of Present Continuous: Shiela’s grandmother …………….. when she was 90 years old. 2. The question. Is                      8. are 3) It my birthday last week. interrogative definition: 1. a word or sentence used when asking a question: 2. the form of a sentence that is used for…. • My friend is so rich that he can not be my consort. etc. The Present Continuous Tense represents an action as going on at the time of speaking; as; “When” is not used with this tense unless in the sense of immediate future; as; Certain verbs are practically never used, in the Present Continuous Tense. Structure of the Past Perfect Tense: f It worries him. Click here to get access to the best NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English. It was not raining in Chennai at five o’clock last evening. He has been teaching in this school for several years. Change the following as directed : Birds fly in the sky. 2. Believe; feel (that); think (that); know; understand; remember; recollect; forget; suppose; mean; gather (that); want; wish; forgive; refuse; love; hate; like, dislike To eliminate confusion, begin a question with a question word or verb and end it with a question mark to make sure you have really made an interrogative sentence. When he saw Ramesh in the library, he was returning his books. And all of these sentences can be categorized into 4 types of sentences: declarative, interrogative, imperative, and exclamatory; each with its own specific purpose. fair-weather friend: someone who is your friend only when you are cheerful and successful. I feel fine this morning but I …………….. tired last night. It will be noticed that in Direct Speech, we use inverted commas to mark off the exact words of the speaker. 4. pay            5.   visit..       6. buy He …………………. While transforming interrogative sentences into assertive sentences, we add 'not' if the interrogative sentence is in the affirmative. g There's a man in the street. Raman has been on holiday ……………….. last Friday. n You can play tennis. stay         swim       work     rain        watch. 12) He my brother. They …………….. in the garden ten minutes ago.’. He is in the kitchen. The purpose of this sentence is to report that he asked something, it is not to ask the question "Do you still want to go to the show?". ; enjoy each other's company: to like spending time with each other. Like all complete sentences in English, an interrogative sentence must contain a subject and a verb. (negative) Rohit loves his teacher. I like your new shirt …………….. it expensive? Write the past simple of the following verbs: 1. get             2.  see…         3. play Sentences are given in the active voice. 1. An example is given below. → Does my friend take the bus? Use one of these verbs: build        cook        go         have       stand 5. was             6. were         7. • Direct : He said, “ my mother is writing letter." He said to me, “I have often told you not to play with me.” 2. So, normally, whenever I hear a friend say something like “My parents invited Tom and I,” my best judgment tells me to keep my yap shut. She had a good idea 3. 14) We on holiday. 9) What this? —> Subject + had + V3 + object. There are three main tenses: How to change Direct to Indirect Speech? 9. 4) The man in the train. They wrote, “It is time we thought about settling this matter.” 3. I was not trying to get a taxi at ten o’clock last night. Last year she …………….. 10, so she …………….. 11 now. When we went to the cinema, the film ………………. —> Sub + V2. She got money from people 5. She turns every conversation around to talk about herself. . Interrogative sentences can be in positive or negative form, and in any tense.. What is the function of an interrogative sentence? Do/does/did: affirmative, interrogative and negative forms. 4. Structure of the Past Continuous Tense: 6) You in a bookshop. They sent a picture to their friends 6. 5. 4. I put down the pen. I made a cake for my friend's birthday 8. He asked if I still wanted to go to the show. The tense of a verb shows the time of action or event. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate form (Present Continuous) of the verbs given in bracket. He has bought a fiat car. 5. visited    6. bought        7. went           8. thought Chances are that even if you haven’t yet, you will someday. She plays basketball. It was raining in Chennai at five o’clock last evening. Study the following examples. 9. was             10. were. Other verbs like this are: The Present Perfect Tense denotes an action that has just been completed; as: I _______ not _______ the cinema all these years. Sometimes an action, beginning in the past, is still continuing at the present moment. —> Subject + had been + V4 (V1 + ing). Alejandro played football, for Maria went shopping. Then, add a question word to the beginning of the question to make it more specific. Now, this may seem like a really obvious answer, but the best thing to do is simply ask your friends to describe you. Example-2: • The news is too good to be true. this car for four years, (have driven, had driven, had been driving), He had not been …………………. The weather is nice at the moment. However, the addition of ‘or not’ adds a touch of threat to the command. We …………………. They also begin with a verb or a helping verb. Had    7. living. He goes to football every day. In Indirect Speech we do not use the inverted commas. 6. Structure of the Simple Past Tense: To denote a habitual action in the past; as: He studied marry hours everyday. In these cases, the subject comes between the helping verb and the main verb. It would sound weird for you to ask, SPEAK YOU ENGLISH? The accident …………….. last Sunday afternoon. Each sentence contains two independent clauses, and they are joined by a coordinator with a comma preceding it. 1.Come is changed to go if there is some word given after come that shows nearness.. 2. No sooner did he come than he started creating trouble. It is not, You can turn off the television. For example: Often times an interrogative sentence requires a helping verb. Grammar-based worksheet aimed at practising the use present simple questions with do/does/are/is, speaking, listening, asking for clarification, asking to repeat, note-taking and short presentations or talking in front of the class. 1. Use one of these verbs in the past simple: enjoy       clean      die     open       finish Have you ever been asked the question how would your friends describe you in an interview? at the Royal Hotel. At four o’clock yesterday we were not all drinking tea. 2.I learned English perfectly because I studied very hard. You can turn off the television. When are the best days to go to the mall? 15) The doctors here. The Past Perfect Continuous Tense is used for an action that began before a certain point in the past and continued up to that time; as: Renu had been reading book for two hours. No one worships the setting sun. 4. He catches the train every morning. You come across so many sentences every day. Posted by Manjusha. I tried to speak Spanish, and my friend tried to speak English. WH-questions are questions starting with WH-words including: what, when, where, who, whom, which, whose, why and how.Question words are used to ask about specific qualities, times, places, people and so on. Michael doesn’t work. Let's come back to fundamentals, those which, if they're not properly mastered, stop and unsettle true (and false) beginners willing to improve their English and understand how this simple phenomenon works.. This happens frequently in direct questions: In addition to the open-ended interrogative sentences described above, there are a few other types of interrogatives. 5. All of them welcomed the suggestion enthusiastically. Did your think you ………………. How to Form an Open-Ended Interrogative Sentence . It should be noted that this is different from indirect questions, which are declarative sentences that report a question that was asked in another context. These …………….. very expensive. I was wondering if I could buy you dinner. You had been …………………. Today the weather …………….. nice, but yesterday it …………….. very cold. Where …………….. you at 11 o’clock last Friday morning? The interrogative form The construction of the interrogative form is different if the verb is an auxiliary verb (be, have, will, can, etc. The teacher appreciated the boy’s work. 5. Alejandro played football, so Maria went shopping. 10. 1 was waiting outside the theatre when I saw Om. I ……………..  hungry. They …………………. Fill in the blanks with the Present Perfect tense form of the verbs given in the brackets. In this sentence, "deadline" is the subject and "is" is the verb. Vishal was living in Kolkata in July last year. When he is in Australia he will be staying with friends. Punctuation also plays a role in differentiating between these types. Imperative: Stop talking. 1. Filed in CBSE Grade 7 Grammar Worksheets. 1. ‘Since’ means ‘from some definite point or period in the past till now’. 8. NCERT SolutionsMathsScienceSocialEnglishHindiSanskritRD Sharma, Kerala Syllabus 9th Standard Physics Solutions Guide, Kerala Syllabus 9th Standard Biology Solutions Guide, Tenses Exercise For Class 6 CBSE With Answers – English Grammar, MCQ Questions for Class 6 Science with Answers PDF Download Chapter Wise, MCQ Questions for Class 7 Science with Answers PDF Download Chapter Wise, NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Sanskrit Ruchira Bhag 1, MCQ Questions for Class 8 Science with Answers PDF Download Chapter Wise, NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Maths Chapter 15 Visualising Solid Shapes InText Questions, NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Maths Chapter 14 Symmetry InText Questions, NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Maths Chapter 13 Exponents and Powers InText Questions, NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Maths Chapter 12 Algebraic Expressions InText Questions, NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Maths Chapter 11 Perimeter and Area InText Questions, NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Maths Chapter 9 Rational Numbers InText Questions, NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Maths Chapter 8 Comparing Quantities InText Questions, NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Maths Chapter 7 Congruence of Triangles InText Questions, NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Maths Chapter 6 The Triangle and its Properties InText Questions, NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Maths Chapter 5 Lines and Angles InText Questions, NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Maths Chapter 4 Simple Equations InText Questions. He is, The’ weather is nice at the moment. Where is Umesh? He drew a nice picture 4. He goes to school. Does he go to school? 3. Structure of Simple Present: The Past Perfect Tense is related to a moment in the past in the same way that the present perfect is related to the present moment, i.e., it describes an action completed before some special past moment we have in mind. Were Ruchi and Rubi cooking in the kitchen? —> Subject + was / were + V4. We have been studying English for two years. Structure of the Past Perfect Continuous Tense: A lot of John's friends turned out to be fair-weather friends. In addition to asking literal questions, negative interrogative sentences are often used to imply that the speaker … Teaching had not started before he reached school. There is nothing particularly impressive about this picture. I am not, You are …………………. Fully editable, printer-friendly colours (background colour does not print) and plain vanilla version (without any colour or clip art) included on 2nd page. It was raining heavily yesterday at 4 O’clock. Choose the correct verb from those given in brackets: 1. had done    2. had already started    3. had seen   4.  had gone    5. had not read. j There are two old ladies at the door. These questions are designed to be answered simply with either an affirmative or a negative. Would you like cookies or a banana for dessert? You have been married ……………….. six years. It was hot in the room, so I …………….. the window. Interrogative: Will you stop talking? However, here the word order is usually changed to put the verb before the subject. Steve and Noah are always together, they definitely enjoy each others company. for three hours, (running, ran, run), …………………. The basic function (job) of an interrogative sentence is to ask a direct question.It asks us something or requests information (as opposed to a statement which tells us something or gives information). Fill in the blanks with the Present Perfect Continuous Tense of the verbs given in brackets. 1. 7. Gulliver could hear his watch ticking in … Like all complete sentences in English, an interrogative sentence must contain a subject and a verb. me somewhere before? As their name implies, negative interrogative sentences (sometimes called interro-negative sentences) are interrogative sentences that are made negative. till now since morning, (slept, sleeping, sleep), She …………………. He had not been meeting me for a month. Go through these Tenses Exercise For Class 6 CBSE With Answers to learn English. 2. It’s better to be safe than sorry when preparing for your interview. Download PDF Change the following assertive sentences into interrogative. For example: In this sentence, "deadline" is the subject and "is" is the verb. When I reached school, all the students had already come. (i) The Present                           (ii) The Past                               (iii) The Future l She can speak five languages. 3. Notes. She has been on the phone ……………….. twenty minutes. Vimal was not talking to Vijay at ten o’clock last night. She never gets nervous Here are more examples of yes-no questions with the added TO DO auxiliary: At four o’clock yesterday we were all drinking tea. The verb comes before the subject in a direct question. Suggested Videos 6. rained     7. happened    8. died        9. enjoyed    10. stayed. This frequently happens with verbs such as.
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