ketu in scorpio
Ketu in your Ascendant on top of being a Scorpio Rising brings in deep emotions during this transit. So the nations which witnessed these eclipses will face a crunch in resources, recession, their global level image will go down, they will lose any conflicts that they get into, internal rebellion and unrest is also possible. Capricorn, Cancer, Leo and Aquarius should have a reasonably good time. You have transcended that experience, it is a very positive thing in the spiritual context. Ketu is considered exalted in Scorpio sign. Being Libra. The native faces issues in business partnerships and intimate ones too because of his mindset. ketu in scorpio Astrology . Rahu, Ketu and the Mind Astronomically, Rahu and Ketu are points in the sky where total eclipses occur. Avoid giving loans and taking loans unless the contract terms are clear. In addition, try to think of the following and how it will affect you on the individual levels. All transactions on our web site conducted on Secure SSL Site. (Mars is Bhumi Putra, son of earth mother, he loves his mothers and has 7 mothers) Ketu has no head, so he destroys the Moon (mind), very badly. Now they are onward or rather backward with Taurus-Rahu and Scorpio-Ketu. Obviously Taurus and Scorpio birth Moon signs will be the most affected signs. Exalted Ketu is associated with many good things by many astrologers and it is believed by a number of astrologers that exalted Ketu always works positively in a horoscope and it brings good results for the … The great benefit with Ketu in the 1st house is that if you are looking to lose weight this would … Full life predictions for remaining Vimsottari Dasa & how each planet shapes your mind, body & material life, Lucid tracking & predictions of your life covering your career, love, marriage, finances & health – 5,10,15 years. These individual would be more stronger at mind and would carry a harsh personality. Ketu gets exalted in Scorpio platter with maximum exaltation at 20 degrees with much of dominance and potency. The native masks his personal feelings so perfectly that other people barely know about them. Ketu is also known as Shadow planet or South node of the Moon. Ketu is about blending into the background therefore you might go through periods of feeling disassociated, being different from the world. Sun is at the centre of our solar system with all other planets revolving around it. They will be able to hide their real natures and can be deceptive. Ketu is currently placed in Sagittarius and on 24th Sept it would not transit to Capricorn (the subsequent sign) and … i.e Where are Taurus and Scorpio in your birth chart? Rahu will be aspected from Capricorn by a debilitated Jupiter who is conjunct a powerful Saturn. Besides this, these people would be quiet inclined towards materialistic life and could be seen at good heights but with fluctuations in life path. Ketu in Scorpio: Ketu transiting Jyestha Nakshatra: September 23rd, 2020 to June 1st, 2021 Ketu illuminates and clarifies, supporting liberation. Mars and Ketu. It usually gives sanguine complexion. Their perpetual retrograde motion means that they teach life lessons very thoroughly, revise, redo, reanalyse, repeat them again and again. Both private and public wealth resources will seem to increase first but will later diminish. Nebulizing Ketu represents surrender, "Islam". Families can get ‘unusual’. Later toward the end of the transit, these situations might end in negativity. The European Union expanded. Horoscopes based on Vedic & Western Astrology have a difference of about 24 degrees in the planetary positions. For most of us, past life karma will be triggered and there will be several sudden changes in the inner world. Ketu is very comfortable in Scorpio because its keywords, the occult, separation, death, inner worlds, secrets, nadi-pran networks, the psychological, mystery, research, exploration, loneliness, depth, complexity, trauma and revenge are suitable to his fiery dissociative nature. So if you plan to get married in these few months, be very clear and not carried away by wishful thinking. Ketu would transit to Scorpio under Jyestha nakshatra on 23rd September 2020. Such people however are prone to cheating others. The zodiac point where a planet crosses from south to north Latitude is called North Node and vice versa. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Governments will have to spend to save their economy which will conversely hit their treasuries. If ever there was a time that you felt like you didn’t quite fit in, this would be it. So use this time, as Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu all are very powerful. But remember that whatever Ketu means to you, you have already given it up in your past lives. This will be seen as support from your dead ancestors or living elders, your peers in society, the past lives auspicious benefits will help, your Sat-guru or internal life philosophy will be with you in mysterious ways. Especially so if you have these as your birth Moon sign. Vishakha means forked or two-branched or poison vessel. Your planets usually change a sign / house between Vedic & Western horoscope. The keywords connected to these are the desires you wish to experience in this life. Ketu in Different Zodiac Signs. Faulty diagnosis will increase and inappropriate medication given.” This is now the past. No one knows what they have in their mind. His illusions and overreach have to be understood. Indra is king of the gods and rules over the senses and life force energy. Ketu is very comfortable in Scorpio because its keywords, the occult, separation, death, inner worlds, secrets,... Ketu in Scorpio is exceptional for people who are into these typical aspects of life. Ketu in Scorpio makes one sharp minded and courageous. Rahu in Scorpio will make Ketu in Taurus. Ketu is tenacious in a disinterested, egoless way. Then expansion of NATO, invasion of Iraq etc. Unique manually crafted readings prepared one-on-one for your unique birth details calculated down to the exact time of your birth. Below is the detailed description of Ketu Transit in Scorpio from 23rd September 2020 for each Moon Sign. Meditation, health … People in medical field, especially surgeons can do exceedingly well. You might face criticism by your family members. Ketu in Scorpio transit gives rise to surgeries. Financial crimes will increase as people take risks with their stored savings. Things which go against the conscience will happen in personal life as well at global levels. Ketu in Scorpio can cause separation from the in-laws. Such people have a lot of layers in their personality. We would not like you to confuse this sign with your Sun Sign. This is the lowest zodiac of Moon sign, thus the native sometimes misbehaves … There is often a double meaning in what you say. Spend carefully and invest in safe projects. Taurus is an earthy sign, it is a trader, indicates the accumulated resources, stored wealth, good times with close family /friends, etc. On the global level, this Rahu will affect the economy in several ways. Ketu person in this zodiac is of a nature associated with the discovery of mysterious and occult knowledge. You are usually endowed with a magnetic persona. The presence of Ketu in Scorpio enclosure would reduce the inner sensitivity of natives besides which it would make them more aggressive and strong personas. So he gives a different type of confidence coupled with fearlessness. Also incurable and strange diseases will increase. You work on your instinct and know that you are right. It has sort of become a synonym for your personality traits. If you remember the global events 18yrs ago. This placement of Ketu makes the person highly spiritual and great occult and mystical skills and abilities. why do you follow fixed karmic cycles.. Food and water supplies will be impacted. Ketu in 8th house having mixed impact on the native, on the negative side it makes the native little senseless and unclear, dull in expression. Also look out for when Mars will influence Rahu. The other planets will also transit over Rahu/Ketu for shorter periods modifying their results accordingly. This internal back-up will be translated into material results as per your individual charts planets influence on Rahu/Ketu. Rahu and Ketu’s friends are: Venus, Mars and Saturn. Sign of debilitation of Rahu: Scorpio. Rahu and Ketu are the points of ecliptic where the plane of Moon’s orbit intersects the plane of Sun’s orbit. July 11, 2019. Mars will be influencing Rahu and Ketu both during Jan-Apr 2021 (Mars in Taurus) and Dec 2021-Jan 2022 (Mars in Scorpio), so these will be the most sensitive times. Ketu transit in Scorpio in the year 2020-2022 will prove to be a significant event and will have noteworthy influence on the natives of different Ascendants and Moon Signs. I have written on transits of Rahu/Ketu earlier (post here). The economic impacts of the lockdowns will continue till Rahu remains in Taurus. In fact, Ketu resonates with Mars the most. Scorpio Ascendant/Scorpio Moon Sign – For Scorpio people, Ketu will be ruling & transiting in 1 st house of Self, Life Path and Overall Life etc. This will be a crucial time for many of us.
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